Chapter 34 Carry Out

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Xiao Mingan left after watching Gu Ran get into the Gu family's car.

He went to the private teahouse that he had made an appointment with the private detective. When he arrived, the private detective was already in the box.

Seeing that he was wearing a hat indoors, Xiao Mingan didn't say much, and went straight to the point, "Is the list complete?"

"Quan, there are a total of fifty students in this class. During the second semester of the third year of junior high school, one dropped out and two transferred to another school. Their names are also on it." The private detective said while handing him the list.

Xiao Mingan took a look and saw the word "suspended school" marked next to Gu Ran. It turned out that he had dropped out of school when he was in the third year of junior high school. Fortunately, Gu Yuanyang had made preparations for him, and his current student status was in high school.

"How many are in City B?"

The private detective laughed when he heard this, "This school is a standard private aristocratic school. The students in it are basically from rich or noble families. After graduating from junior high school, almost 20 people have gone to high school abroad. Some of them have poor families. I don't have a registered residence in City B. In order to adapt to the college entrance examination in my hometown, I have returned to my hometown to study in high school. There are only twenty-six of them here including those who dropped out of school and transferred to another school."

Xiao Mingan was a little surprised that the private detective talked so much. In the past, if he said a few words to him, he would be replied that he was worth hundreds of dollars a minute.

Private detective Xie Fan cried in his heart. He did not go to college after graduating from high school. The jobs he found were either too hard, too tiring or too low-paying. By chance, he met his master who led him to embark on the path of private detective.

When I was working with my master, no matter how well I did it, someone was always there to support me. I could easily earn tens of thousands a month, and I could still drink spicy food.

However, at the beginning of this month, the master said that he was ready to start teaching and could no longer be lazy, so he asked him to go out and start his own independent business. He also came out with great ambitions.

Once the results came out, reality taught him that the most important thing for a private detective is connections. Without connections, there are no resources. No matter how great you are, you can only stuff your little gg everywhere in the beginning.

Some time ago, he carried his photocopied business cards everywhere and stuffed them around every day. Occasionally, he met some people with colored hair, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

It's not that he looks down on people with colored GGs, but people with GGs get a basic salary!

He has nothing!

Seeing that he had no savings at all, he was ready to shamelessly go to his master's house to beg for food.

Unexpectedly, a business happened to come to my door, and one order was made to last for a month, and this order was given by the noble man in front of me. Of course, he should be more enthusiastic, and it would be best if he could have orders every month.

Xiao Mingan quickly browsed the personal information of the twenty-six students currently in City B, and locked in three students who seemed to have happy and harmonious families and were kind and upright people.

He wanted to personally find out who Gu Ran was hurt by at that time.

Maybe a private detective can investigate clearly, but on the one hand, Xiao Mingan doesn't want to alert everyone and make it known, on the other hand, he wants to know Gu Ran's past personally.

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