Chapter 47 Frank

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It's not a discussion tone, but a notification.

Gu Ran had a sad face. It was the first time since he and Xiao Ming'an met and were together that they hadn't seen each other for so long.

Xiao Ming'an also heard from his tone that he didn't care about his temper in his previous life. However, he was not angry and only gently coaxed, "Baby, don't worry, you can't explain to your brother why you came here suddenly. Let's do this If you keep persisting, I will confess to your brother when I get the chance..."

Xiao Mingan felt that their underground love affair was like that of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Not only was Gu Yuanyang blocking the way, but there was also the geographical difference.

City B and City C are really far apart. Xiao Mingan has been developing in City B in his last life, and he is considering staying in City B in this life.

On the one hand, he is familiar with the business development of city B, and on the other hand, it is also because of Gu Ran.

After coaxing him for a while, Gu Ran finally stopped mentioning the idea of coming to him.

Xiao Mingan also counted the time and stayed at home for a while before returning to City B.

Back in the village, time seems to have slowed down. Xiao Mingan now understands why many people admire returning to his hometown so much.

In his previous life, after he took root in City B, he brought his parents and younger siblings over and bought them a big house. Maybe they still liked City C and this small mountain village that even cars can't drive into.

Xiao Mingan didn't consider returning to City B until his younger siblings finished their exams. Before leaving, he went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for the two of them.

Xiao Rou got the first place without any surprise, while Xiao Yan barely passed every subject.

Xiao Mingan looked at the test paper and had to say that it was too simple. The teachers in the town set the test questions themselves, which was incomparable with the city's resources. He would have to buy more questions from the city for Xiao Rou in the future.

Xiao Ming'an had actually bought some for Xiao Rou before, but he felt it was not enough. If he wanted to change his life by getting into a good university, then the university must be a very good one, otherwise it would be more painful. Why bother.

The content studied in junior high school and high school may be repetitive or different, but the purpose of studying well in junior high school is to exercise thinking and cultivate self-awareness. Xiao Mingan himself has learned this.

He himself has seen many high schools with good junior high scores become poor, and high schools with poor junior high scores getting better. Therefore, knowledge in junior high schools cannot be memorized by rote. Thinking is very important.

On the day he left the small mountain village, the weather was sunny and the breeze was gentle, as if everyone was sending him off.

His parents and younger siblings were used to his leaving, and although they were a little sad to leave, it was okay.

When leaving, Xiao's mother gave him two hundred yuan. Feeling her mother's rough and calloused hands, Xiao Mingan did not refuse. His parents were talkative and clumsy, but they still missed him in their hearts. It's just that he was used to making decisions by himself in his previous life. Also like this, I have little communication with my parents and don't think much about it.

Maybe this is the current situation of a typical Chinese family. Say you love you, but sometimes ignorant thoughts and words suffocate you. Say you don't love you. I have to save money to give it to you, but I have to work hard and I can't bear to eat and wear clothes.

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