Chapter 9 Peers

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After Xiao Mingan attended classes for a month, he was going to go home after dinner on Friday. His father had to have the steel plate removed from his leg. The school was on holiday and there was no need to ask for leave, but the young master had to ask for leave.

Gu Yuanyang agreed readily, but the young master gave him a headache.

"Teacher Xiao, can I go with you?" Gu Ran had his own little thoughts and kept pestering Xiao Ming'an.

Xiao Ming'an had a headache from being pestered, and he firmly disagreed with a dark face. However, if he said one thing, Gu Ran would often have ten sentences waiting for him. In the end, he really had no choice but to say, "I agree if you want to go, but I don't." I know Mr. Gu's intention, if he agrees, that's fine."

Gu Ran cheered for a while, thinking that his elder brother would definitely agree.

Xiao Mingxin thought that Gu Yuanyang, a kind of controlling disciple, would never allow Gu Ran to follow his little tutor to a remote place in a poor country, where he would suffer and suffer, and it was not safe, not to mention that he had to go to the hospital this time.

Before he could be happy for a few days, Gu Yuanyang called, and a senior disciple like him actually agreed.

Of course Gu Yuanyang agreed. Ever since his younger brother told him why he liked Xiao Mingan, it was obvious that he trusted him very much. Isn't this the same as two people going on a trip together?

The last time his brother said that he was a delicate flower who couldn't get the sun, Gu Yuanyang heard it. He had never had such an idea. He just mistakenly thought that Gu Ran didn't like to go out and didn't want to meet strangers. He didn't know until Xiao Mingan's arrival. , my younger brother likes to go out and communicate with strangers, but only if he can completely treat him as a normal person and will not show sympathy or pity for strangers.

So since Gu Ran was willing, of course Gu Yuanyang agreed. Not only did he agree, he also upgraded all the arrangements this time.

The train turned into a private jet, the small hotel turned into a five-star hotel, and Xiao Mingan got a free ride.

But he was still not happy. He always felt that the young master was a bit annoying and not sensible at all. His trip to the hospital could not be the same as a joke.

However, whether he was happy or not, the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he couldn't take back what he said, so he could only hold his nose and admit it.

On Friday, after lunch, Xiao Mingan went to Gu's house, and the driver and the young master were sent to the private jet docking point.

Sitting on the spacious plane, Xiao Mingan felt that it was indeed much better than taking the train, and the time was also shortened, arriving in one or two hours.

Looking at Gu Ran, who was so excited as if he was out on a spring outing, and remembering that he couldn't leave the house a few times throughout the year, the blame and irritation in his heart somehow disappeared a lot.

In fact, he is still a child, just a little willful and indulgent, and he shouldn't argue with him.

After arriving in City C, Gu Yuanyang was already ready, and the hotel sent a car to pick them up.

After getting in the car, Gu Ran's excitement had not dissipated. He was chattering to people here and there in City C. He had a lot of questions. Xiao Mingan gave him a perfunctory yes, but his excitement had not dissipated at all.

In the end, Xiao Mingan looked at him like this and said a complete sentence with some evil, "Young Master, I came back this time to take my family to the hospital."

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