Chapter 139

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I didn't know what to feel.

Relieved that Doctor Floid and most of the jerks in the room had spontaneously combusted?

Really relieved that the Shrink Program had come to rescue us and stop these people from getting away with their evil plan for world domination?

Really really relieved that Alan and Alex were actually secretly good guys pretending to be secretly bad guys?

Or just damned pissed with the fact that everybody thought it was cool to stab me with a window, fill me up with bee robot thingys and use me as a tracking device.

Then, even though they had the means to come and rescue us this entire time, courtesy of my body being abused and violated, they still chose to take their sweet time, leisurely strolling in and casually announcing their intention to arrest everyone in the room.

Which of course, resulted in everyone going bat shit crazy and turning the room into a war zone.

Yea, think I'm going to have to go with pissed for this one...

"We need to get out of here. " Vain muttered, warily watching the escalating battle around us.

I opened my mouth to snap some elaborate version of duh, only to freeze as a shadow fell over us.

"Vain!" I cried, startled when a masked man appeared at his side. The hand holding me jerked alarmingly upwards as the stranger grabbed the albino by the arm, dragging Vain with him as he moved to escape.

Apparently, The Underground doesn't want the Shrink Program to get ahold of their hostages...

Gritting my teeth, I summoned my inner monkey in preparation for the climb up Vain's arm.... so that I could claw the creep's eyes out obviously....only to have my thunder stolen when Alan intervened, gripping the man's neck in a... Vulcan nerve pinch.

Of all the stupid things in the world...

Of course, it didn't work, but when the masked man turned his attention towards him, the red-head smiled apologetically, then decked the stranger with a sharp punch to the face.

For a moment, all Vain and I could do was watch silently as Alan stared wistfully down at the fallen man as if to say 'Someday. Someday that will actually work...' Before turning his attention up to us with a pleasant smile.

"Right. I figure that's our cue to leave."

Numb and a tad traumatised, we just nodded our agreement.

I know that Alan rarely takes anything seriously, but does he have to be such a dork about it?

Smile widening in what could only be described as mischievous, Alan held out a hand to Vain.

"I apologise in advance. "

Before either of us could even ask what for, Alan moved forward.

And scooped Vain up in his arms.

Bridal style.

"You Idiot!" I screeched in fury as we suddenly went from vertical to horizontal, face turning bright red as I was pressed against a giant chest, my world became a sea of white material.

"What the Hell is with your family and molesting my-!"

... My...?

"-neighbour." I finished in an angry mutter, immediately shoving against the hand above me, determined to get up and murder someone.

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