Chapter 43

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"I think I'm going to be sick," I whispered, feeling slightly traumatised by the last few minutes.

"Not on my shoulder, Maddison," Vain whispered back. I glared at his profile, annoyed that he had actually heard my small whisper.

"Relax, your weak shoulder isn't even worthy of my spew," I muttered.

Reluctantly, I turned to meet Devin's hesitant gaze, blushing when I thought about some of the things he had said.

"U-Um..." I stuttered, unable to think of what I had planned to say to him.

Luckily, Vain knew just what to say.

"I know that this is a little late to ask, but is Monica going to be okay with your par..."

"Oh My GOD!" I screamed. "We left Monica alone with them!"

"I have to get back to the house!" Devin had gone completely white.

"Hurry up, Vain!" I cried, yanking on a strand of his hair. "The last time we left them alone with her, they blew up the microwave trying to make her a cup of milk!"

Devin had already started running back towards the house.

Vain reached up a hand to his forehead, looking up at the sky in exhaustion. "The both of them are hopeless, taking the first chance they get to run away." He muttered to himself.

Relief flooded through me, and I couldn't help smiling.

As far as first days back at school go... This one hadn't actually been all that bad.

Being five inches tall wasn't even as embarrassing... Or deadly... As I thought it would be.

Though part of me had been nervous at first... I wasn't really surprised to see Alex take my new stature in stride.

No one on the Hill was exactly...Normal. Out of all of us... Alex was the straight man. Being the voice of reason for a bunch of insane idiots kind of makes you impervious to weird.

Nigel's pure joy at the situation was to be expected. Not that he wasn't sympathetic or unaware of how screwed up my life was, just too happy go lucky to not have fun at my expense.

Fortunately for me, Nigel and his enthusiasm were currently hospitalised, so no longer had to be dealt with in person.

At least that was one thing I no longer had to worry about.

"Vain, for once, let's just do things the Tramph way." I sat down on his shoulder, resting against his neck. "Where we completely avoid our problems, living in a perfect world of denial."

"...I don't care anymore." He muttered, voice dead of emotion as he began his walk back to the house. "I'm going to bed."

"That's the spirit." I encouraged cheerfully, making him sigh.

Yep. All things considered, I had survived the day... Without being maimed or psychologically scared, which is always a bonus.

The same could almost be said for my fragile interactions with Vain.

Sure, I got him dragged into a war between the Hill and the psychos who shrunk me... Defeating the purpose of distancing myself from him in the first place really... But at least we had a few laughs... Right?

Well... No... Not really...

Thinking back on it, most of Vain day had been spent sighing in despair at my stupidity and glaring at anyone who came near us.

Ah. Just like old times.

"Let's just leave tomorrow's problems for tomorrow's us," I said with a cheerful smile.

"That's what you said about feeding the goldfish," Vain muttered under his breath. "And we all remember how that turned out."

I gave an indignant huff.

"I was only a kid at the time! I've learned a lot more about responsibility since then Vain."

"Most fourteen-year-olds are capable of looking after a fish, Maddison."

"You've met my parents! Irresponsibility is a genetic trait in my family."

"Devin... "

"He's a mutant."

Vain scoffed, and I couldn't help but smile.

Was it weird... To miss having someone around to disapprove of my impulsive schemes and groan at my half-baked logic?

Then again, it was probably just because it was Vain being his old naggy-self.

Even as he worries and calls me out for being stupid... He can't help but tag along for the ride.

"Fine. If you insist on going into this without a plan, could you at least try to get some real rest tonight?" Vain grumbled, gruff even as he put mother hen to shame. "We have an early start tomorrow, and you're hard enough to deal with when you're not half asleep."

Sometimes, I think he might even enjoy it...

-End of part one-

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