Chapter 82

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I slammed into the window, desperate to reach the teenaged boy.

"Get back here Apollo! YOU COWARD..! Wait, no... I'm the one on the train!"

With that, I flung myself away from the window, ignoring the indignant shouts as I sprinted down the train.

"Stop!" I cried, but of course, the train did not stop. Because duh, it was a Train. "I need to get off!"

I made my frantic way towards the doors, ready and willing to pry the damn things off with my bare hands and leap from the train, James Bond style.

If only these people would get out of my...

I froze, one hand raised to shove a huge guy in front of me...

Only I recognised him...Or rather, I recognised his back... And the footprint imbedded in his shirt.

Could it really be...?

"... Padding?"

Slowly, the punk turned around to face me, revealing an angry face and a red nose that may or may not have been slammed into the platform floor.

I wince a little at the sight, still sort of guilty.

"But if you're here, where's..." Before I could finish the question, the One Eye One Horn (Mohawk) Flying Purple People Eater himself leaned around Padding to face me.

... Small world, huh? Haha...

The three of us stared at each other for a stunned moment.... a moment that was broken by one groaned word from me.


Padding threw the first punch.

I ducked under the blow, dancing backwards as I struggled to stay out of reach.

I couldn't... I wanted to get out of this place... And that would never happen if I kept picking fights with everyone I ran into...

I should back down and apologise...

.... But Apollo was out there.

Gritting my teeth in frustration, my resolve broke like ice under a falling cement truck.


Padding threw his fist again, and this time I tilted my head, letting the punch graze past my ear.


My hand shot up like a snake, grabbing Padding's outstretched arm.


I yanked on the arm, pulling Padding off balance and towards me.


I slammed my knee up, ensuring in a single move, that Padding Junior would never be.


Padding toppled over, in no exaggeration of the word, dead.

Without hesitation, I leapt over the fallen boy and slammed my fist into the face of his friend, sending the Purple punk falling into the crowd behind him...

Unfortunately, having the purple individual launched at them just happened to piss off more people from the crowd.

Who'd have thunk it?

Teenagers on all sides were shouting at me, beginning their menacing approach.

The situation was only getting worse. Soon I would have the whole train against me...

Trapped in the middle of the angry mob, I started to giggle.

Then outright laugh.

I was getting off this damn thing even if I have to claw my way over their corpses.

I raised my fists in challenge, too far gone think straight.

"Bring it on!"

They took my invitation to heart, coming at me and, not caring any more, I laid into every last one of them.

It had been a long time since I had been able to fight like this, with people my own size.

Needless to say, I had quite a bit of built-up frustration to express.

It wasn't long before the entire train was dragged into the brawl, more than one passenger jumping eagerly into the fray.

I threw a punch, landing with enough force to send the recipient crashing into the side of the train.

In the next instant, I was ducking out of the way of someone else's fist, using my attacker's momentum to send them to the floor.

Before I could even straighten, another fist clipped my shoulder, earning my third attacker a solid punch to the stomach.

My shoulder ached, but that didn't matter.

The pain only made me stronger.

I continued to attack anyone who came near me, punching lights out and receiving a rare blow in turn.

The entire time, I grinned like a mad thing, the sight scaring off some people before they could even taste my knuckle sandwich.

It was as I was slamming my elbow into some poor sap's face that the supervisors finally interfered.

White light exploded in the train, causing people to cry out as they were immediately blinded.

Instinct kept me moving, backing away even as reached up my to cover my eyes.... only to have my wrists seized by a pair of strong hands.

I struggled, but the owner of the hands was insanely strong, not budging an inch as I struggled.

I swore, thrashing angrily as my hands were firmly but... Almost gently pulled behind my back.

The hands didn't stop there, quickly pushing me down until I lay on my stomach, pinned to the floor of the train.

By the time my eyes began to clear, the noise in the train had died down to near silence.

Blurry white figures filled the train, forcing the passengers to sit down quietly and physically pinning some of the unrulier ones.

"What's the damage?" A voice called out into the quiet.

"A few broken bones." A voice reported, and I dully recognised the semi amused voice as Havoc's. "And this other one... Well... Let's just say it's not pretty."

"Fine. Take them and any other injured to the infirmary."The first voice commanded briskly. "Evacuate the rest and escort them to their rooms. If they make a fuss, send them immediately to isolation."

The supervisors on the train moved into action, doing as the head supervisor had instructed without complaint or argument.

"And Miss Trampth sir?" The person pinning me spoke, and I realised that it was Reece.

Reece, who was physically smaller then I was, had wrestled me to the floor with as much ease as an adult gently restraining a toddler.

Some of the other supervisors on the train paused in their duties, listening for the answer.

Over the last week, the supervisors and I had spent a lot of time... bonding....mostly over me getting into trouble and having to be rescued... then me mouthing off to them afterwards.

Mostly, they seemed to find my suffering hilarious.

The fact that they seemed to care... made me feel incredibly guilty.

A pair of white boots walked up to me, stopping inches from my face. I didn't look up, just stared at the floor in shame.

"Take her to the interrogation room." The once authoritative voice sounded somehow remorseful. I heard his footsteps walk away as he left to handle the mess I had caused.

I laid my head down on the cold floor of the train.


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