Chapter 11

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"You could have at least let me have one of those grapes," I complained from Alex's shoulder.


And that was the end of that.

"But-! "

"Consider it the price you pay for sneaking into my private belongings." He dismissed bluntly, not turning his head as he made his way through the green belt.

Alex was over a head taller than Vain and very close to six feet tall, so riding on his shoulder was even more of a dizzying experience.

Not that I was complaining...

Not after all the time it took to convince him to take me with him....and not make me walk back to Vain myself.

We had left the path a good five minutes ago, and even with Alex long legs and Princess like grace, making our way through the grassy area and various other plant life wasn't exactly smooth going.

"Stingy jerk," I muttered, clinging to his collar for balance. "You're worse than my tight-ass brother."

"You mean that brat that runs your household isn't your nanny?" He grumbled, his jaw noticeably tightening with irritation, causing me to roll my eyes.

"You guys meet one time, and you still hate each other," I said grudgingly. "Every time I mention one of you to the other, I have to endure that disgusted face and the latest jibe."

As far as I could understand the conflict, Devin had a problem with people who encouraged my evil ways, and Alex had a problem with people in general.

Being told he's a Jerk with no morals and a creepy face also didn't go over awfully well with him.

Alex silently scowled at the reminder, slowing his pace as we finally reached the Tree on the Hill.

And it was THE Tree.

Even compared to its many leafy companions, this Tree was a huge, with a thick trunk and branches.

It stood out. For good reason.

"How did you get here anyway?" Alex questioned, as usual not bothering subtlety. "Not to mention into my bag. Because I know you sure as Hell didn't do it on your own, not at that size."

Glad to know you have so much faith in me.

"I got a lift," I answered flippantly. Alex sat down in the shade of the Tree, slowly folding his long limbs down into the grass. He reached a hand up to his shoulder, and I climbed on quickly... Before I could be grabbed.

Even prepared for the movement, I nearly fell over as Alex transferred me from his shoulder to his bent knee, stumbling unevenly in the palm of his hand.

The hand came to a stop, hesitating at my lack of balance, but after a quick glare from me, Alex resumed placing me on his knee, waiting just long enough for me to jump off before retracting his hand.

From that sullen expression of his, you wouldn't think he would notice or give a damn about such things.

Ignoring my twisting stomach, I sat down on the top of his knee, facing his sceptical gaze with a grumpy glare of my own.

Despite my attitude, Alex waited with the patience of a gargoyle for me to give up being defiance and elaborate.

Really. I have no idea why he and Devin don't get along. They have so much in common.

"...Fine." I snapped, lasting all of ten seconds. "Vain brought me to school."

"Vain Maziric?" Alex frowned faintly, his disapproval evident from the way his mouth formed a tight line.

Yet another person in my life that Alex didn't exactly get along with.

Then again, I could probably count the people he did get along with on one hand.

"Yea. So?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest, the scowl on my face just daring him to criticize me and my life decisions.

I should have known better.

Alex doesn't exactly have a filter when it comes to his opinion on people.

So no, the angry gaze did very little to deter him as Alex leant back against the Tree, and scowled down at me.

"So the infamous Vain Maziric, whom you have been avoiding like the plague these past two years, has suddenly felt the compulsion to mend bridges and associate with you once more."

The fact that I winced at that only made Alex scowl harder.

" ... and yet, here you are, with me and obviously not with Prince Charming."

My eyes widened in alarm, becoming immediately flustered.

"Prince Char... He... no... shut up."

Alex expression lost some of its edge as he watched me sputter and turn red.

When I failed to recover, he let out a sigh.

"You're hopeless Maddison Tramph." Alex scolded, sounding both disapproving and... fond at the same time.

I felt a small tug of relief.

Alex wasn't exactly an affectionate person. It was rare for him to show anything beyond grudging tolerance when it came to human interaction.

He's a loner by nature, and I'm pretty sure he only endured my company because he was too lazy to actively drive me away, not when his charming personality did the trick for most people.

But... no matter how much he grumbled or complained, he never told me to go away. Even if he never had anything nice to say, he always listened.

Alex wasn't a bad friend... he just showed his affection being a judgemental jerk.

"I repeat, so what?" I hissed, glaring at him fiercely. Alex rolled his eyes skyward, obviously terrified.

Just as I was about to snap at him about his attitude, and how he could shove it up someplace the sun don't shine, Alex stiffened, lowering his gaze to focus on something behind me up, and his relatively friendly expression shifted into a scowl.

With dread sinking my stomach, I twisted around on Alex's knee to see a group of first years walking towards us, laughing amongst themselves.


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