Chapter 151

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I could be calm about this.

There was no reason why I couldn't be a calm, rational human being.

Except that Alan was looking at me like the cat who had dragged the unmentionable onto my doorstep and was awaiting its praise.

When, really, all I wanted to do was wipe that smug look off his face...

Stop. In these sorts of situations, you just have to take a deep breath, firmly remind yourself that it is wrong to chase animals, children, and the simple-minded with a shovel just because they unintentionally ruin your day... And start cleaning up the mess they have made.

"Okay. I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here, and say that the cards you destroyed, were not the real ones." I announced bluntly, rubbing my temple to try and ease my straining frown muscles.

Infuriatingly enough, Alan chose to answer with nothing more than a widening grin.

Self-satisfied twit.

"So, what, you just happened to have a whole set of counterfeit cards, all of which were indistinguishable from the originals... "

"Hardly." Apollo scoffed. When I sent a glare at him, the short boy rolled his eyes. "Custom made. Expensive too. I should know, I had to foot the bill."

"... And the point?" I tapped an impatient foot on Nigel's shoulder. "Of going to the elaborate process of faking the cards deaths...?"

"Oh, It's what Mother wanted. "Alan explained cheerfully. "That's why she had Vain destroy the cards because she wanted to have the only keys to the Hill."

"Crazy old hag got suspicious and tried to lock us out." Alex elaborated, looking down at the cards in his hand.

"So you were trying to make her believe that the cards were destroyed... "Artemis said. "..While securing the real cards for yourself?"

"Bingo." Alan cheered, pointing gun fingers at him. "Actually, I didn't think she was going to fall for it, but watching Maddison rip her own card really sealed the deal."

"Right." I rolled my eyes.

Glad to know that my moment of honest heartbreak was so damn convincing.

"Do I want to know how you managed to get my card?" I sighed. "It makes the most sense for you to have exchanged it when you framed me for vandalism..."

And knocked me out cold.

"That would have been too risky." Vain finally chose to speak up, for the singular purpose, of interrupting me. "We couldn't afford for them to mess up, resulting in the real Jack being shrunk with you."

Yea, I can see how that would have been a problem.

" So..?" My fist tightened, instinctively not liking where this was going.

Vain grimaced slightly, obviously aware that I wasn't going to like the answer.

But not answering was just as dangerous, if not even more so.

Finally, he sighed.

"I asked Devin."

It was like a bomb went off in my brain.

Cringing so hard I nearly fell off my perch, it took a moment for me to actually say something in reply.

"You. Did. What!? "

I could forgive many things.

Messing with my baby brother was not one of them.

Watching my escalating fury, Vain's eyes remaining frostily calm.

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