Meet Shameless

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Smilez body temperature rose instantly. She tapped me on my thigh and I got up. She opened the car door and got out. I looked around for my shirt and coat to put on. I pulled out my phone and sent Erica and Drina a text. I couldn't see anything, so I got out on the other side of the car. The rain had slowed up. When I made my way around to the side she was on, I saw Shada standing there with a key in one hand and a rock in the other. I watched as the rain hit Smilez body and steam start to rise off of her. She was looking up at the rain. She had her arms out stretch. I must admit she looked sexy as fuck. That was until she started to bring her head down. Its like I couldn't recognize her at all. It's like she became stronger, meaner, she look like she held no regarded for anything. It scared the shit out of me. I know that she had just become her old self. I'm not sure if I could snap her out of it though.

" So yall wanna fuck with my shit?" She looked at them and cracked her neck.

She ran her tongue across her bottom lip. It was far from sexy it was scary. The rain had stopped by now a bitter wind blew across my body and I shivered. I am still getting use to this painful weather they call fall.

" You fucking with our girls' heart," Jane spat back.

I was about to go over and rock her jaw, but Smiles laughed stopped me.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up. If you had the chance you would be trying to ride my face," She told her.

Smilez reached in her pocket.

" And you, I don't even love your dumbass no more. I don't know why the fuck you still coming around. I beat yo ass once. I guess that saying is true huh?" Smilez said as she pulled out this butterfly switchblade.

With a fast swift motion of her wrist the knife opened up. I watched as the shinny metal of the blade cut threw the bitter and dark air and landed in the center of Jane's hand. She let out a loud scream of pain causing me to jump. I looked around to see that Drina wasn't out here yet. Smilez walked up to Jane and bent down and twisted the knife before she yanked it out of Jane hand. Smilez laughed, and wiped the maroon colored liquid Jane's jacket. Jane fainted as soon as she looked down and saw the amount of blood squirting out of her hand. Smilez let out a eerie chuckle that sent chills down my spine. I held myself closer as I watched Smielz walk slowly over to where Shada was standing with a brick in her hand. She had dropped the keys and she looked like she just had an encounter with her worse nightmare.

Boo and Eve had ran to the safety of the car. Smilez looked down at Shada and slowly grabbed the rock out of her hand. She turned around real fast and threw it through the front window of the car which they were in. She then turned her attention back to Shada.

" You know that saying don't you Shada?" Smilez asked her as she continued her little dialogue.

Smilez was really close to her face by now.

" You know fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice..." Smilez paused and ran the blade of the knife a crossed Shada's cheek.

" .....shame on you," Smilez said

" SHAMELESS!" I heard Drina yell out her name.

Thank God cause I think she just made Shada piss and shit herself.

" What ?" Smilez said.

She pressed the blade harder into Shada skin.

" Let the bitch go," Drina said.

Smilez looked at Drina and ran the blade down Shada's face leaving a long thin line of blood.

" Fuck no. She wanna start shit. So I'm going to show her how we finish shit," Smilez said.

She punched Shada hard and fast in her stomach. Shada hit the ground hard.

" SMILEZ!" I yelled out.

She slowly turned and looked at me.

" What?" she asked me.

" Smilez come back to me. You are scaring me," I told her as I made my way over to her.

Drina was making her way over . Erica was watching just incase she had to tackle her.

" Smilez isn't even here right now," She said.

Now I was really scared. What if she can't get my Smilez back.

" Sweets , just keep talking to her, " Drina said as she got closer.

" Come on Smilez, I need you just like you need me," I told her.

She looked at me and then back at Shada. She kicked her in her ribs. Shada screamed. Drina had taken the blade from her. I grabbed her hand she looked down at our hands. I felt her temp drop. She was slowly coming back. I pulled her to me slowly, her feet didn't hesitate move. They came with great ease. I pulled her into a hug and I felt her body relax.

" I love you baby," I told her.

I just need for Shada to keep her mouth close. Erica ran over and helped Drina get Shada up and walk her over to the car.

" I love you too," I heard her say.

I pulled back from the hug and kissed her. I pulled back from the kiss and saw my Smilez again.

" Lets get you in the car before you get sick,"

She nodded her head and got in the car.

" We gonna go back to the apartment. Meet us there," I told Erica.

They were going backto the movies. Smilez got in the passage seat and I got in the drivers seat. Werode back to her crib in silence. I guess she was in deep thought. I didn'twant to push anything just yet. I'm sure she will tell me what's up soon .   

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