{Supernatural & Teen Wolf Imagine} #58: "The Family Business" Part 3 *SPOILERS*

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Hey guys so I do understand that since Stiles is separated as 1 that Lydia was kidnapped in the show then Allison died but I forgot so looks like Allison lives apparently.

Next Day

Derek slammed a brown wooden jar on the metal table and looked up at the group in front of him
"The Hale Triskele Urn, Carved out of wood by Dr.Deaton" Derek placed a hand on top of the jar and Sam and Dean both shrugged
"Yeah it's a box? What's so good about a box? He's a Demonic spirit, you don't see me and Sam seeing a Ghost and placing a box on its head" Dean said confused by this whole box
"The Nogitsune spirit was trapped inside this box for years after it was exorcised from a man's dead body, the box was then buried under a tree called the Nemeton, the tree once had powers before it was cut down to a stump. A few months ago (I think?) Scott, Allison and Stiles gave power back to the Nemeton after basically dying and coming back to life"
The boys both huffed and folded their arms basically saying "Died and came back to life, did it!"
"So you kids died? To give power back to the Nemeton?" The group didn't really wanna go into explanation
"Well... It just happened" Scott answered Dean's question "When we gave that power back to the Nemeton it became a Beacon for every Supernatural creature and when Stiles died and came back there was a door in his mind that was left open that allowed the spirit to come into Stiles's body and possess him"
Sam nodded as well did Dean well at least they finally understood what they were all saying
"So that box can trap the Nogitsune? What do you do with the box afterwards? You can't put it under the Nemeton anymore?" Sam asked and everyone just shrugged
"We haven't gotten that far" Stiles stared over at Scott who also shrugged
"Though me and Kira did figure something out" Scott was the leader of the group in front of everyone with Stiles and Allison. Sam, Dean, Cas, Lydia and Isaac were behind them
"What?" Derek asked, attention though went to the opening metal door and in came a girl
"Sam, Dean Cas. Meet my girlfriend Kira" Scott smiled as Kira entered the room and Allison face was totally annoyed as she rolled her eyes and turned back to Derek
"You can't be a Werewolf and a Fox. It's kind of impossible" Kira moved over to Scott as he held her hand
Dean was now confused, Fox's? That's never happened to him
"So what're you saying? Scott turns The Nogitsune into a wolf? And then what?" Sam asked the question prob alt everyone was thinking (for everyone's wonderings this is the planning part to the last episode of Season 3B since I don't think they ever really had a plan for what they were doing. I don't know)
"Then I use this" Kira pulled out a Katana from her back (not her literal back) "It was wielded by a Kitsune, the one weapon that can harm a Nogitsune if Scott bites Stiles's other half then I impale him the spirit should leave Stiles's "other" body and then someone will have to catch it in the box"
Isaac moved forward to the group which alerted everyone and he walked towards the box
"I should do it, I mean I haven't done anything this whole time I've basically been sleeping so I'll catch the Nogitsune"
Everyone nodded in agreement and it went silent
"Ok so everything's settled? Ok so tonight me, Lydia, Kira and Stiles will all go to the school. Derek you gather Ethan and Aiden and you guys meet us also at the school with the box. That's when Isaac and Mr.Argent will come in with the arrows Allison created to kill an Oni"
Allison smiled as Scott did to at her and the Winchester boys and Cas all looked awkward
"Sam, Dean and Cas you guys-" but Sam cut Scott off there and Dean spoke
"We have to get going back to Topeka there's still work to do out there in Kansas"
The group knew that The Winchester's had to do their job but they've been such help.

The outdoors was windy but durable, The Impala was parked in front of Stiles's Jeep as the 3 boys stood in front of the car facing the group
"Thank you guys, you sure did help us a lot and maybe we can save Stiles" Scott smiled at the Winchester's and Cas who all smiled back
"No problem McCall, Call us anytime you need something" Cas answered this time and circled around the Impala and got in the back
"He's not much of a hugger, Stiles I'm happy you'll be ok and well" Dean didn't look like he was lying he seemed genuinely happy for Stiles, of course he would he wouldn't want a Teenage boy dying
"Thanks Dean, and I'm sorry for what happened back at the Bunker it's just I'm very protective over Scott here and he's like a brother to me. I wouldn't want anything happening to him"
Dean smiled down at his feet but glanced up at Sam who didn't even notice which made Dean smile even bigger
"Yeah I know how you feel, Just gotta let them make decisions on their own sometimes even if they're dumb"
Stiles laughed as he turned to Scott who walked over to Sam and Dean and took out his hand for them to shake
"Thank you guys I can't say how happy I am that you helped us" Sam and Dean both shook Scott's hand as they smiled with the sun shining in their eyes basically
"No problem Scott, We'll be happy to help you guys again just a call" and Dean moved over to the car door as well did Sam they were gonna leave the group
"Thanks boys! Please call anytime you've been great help" Allison smiled while standing beside Isaac who also waved at the boys
"Anytime Allison" and Dean opened the door getting in as well did Sam and he started the car.

"Ok Sammy, let's go" Dean played around with the radio until finally he got a song on
"Bad Company?" Sam smirked and Dean got into the song the same way he did any other song as he pulled out of the parking lot and into the road
"It's a classic" Cas peaked his head in and Dean turned to Cas
"Wouldn't say that but sure" and they drove off into the sunset.

SAM WINCHESTER- Jared Padalecki
CASTIEL- Misha Collins
DEREK HALE- Tyler Hoechlin
LYDIA MARTIN- Holland Roden
ISAAC LAHEY- Daniel Sharman

So that is the end of my SuperWolf I know it wasn't exact to Teen Wolf Season 3B but I still had fun making it and I hope you guys had fun reading it.
Next is gonna be a SuperWho Imagine. Doctor Who + Supernatural but that won't be for awhile.

Who's ready to get back to a normal Imagine? Well coming to you Christmas Eve is gonna be a normal #59th imagine; Supernatural Christmas Special is also coming on Christmas Day hopefully.

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