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Ethan's point of view:

I don't run after Chris like I know I probably should because I don't want anyone to start suspecting something between us. Not that I know what is actually going on between us, sometimes we're just friends and other times we're something more. I'm still trying to come to terms with what I'm feeling and I know he's taking it slow for me because he knows I'm not ready but I feel like he's annoyed at me for wanting to take it slow.

"Alright boys," Guy sighs wiping swear from his forehead "do you wanna go get him?" He asks but we both know it's a rhetorical question.
Jakob nods and I quickly follow him backstage. There's no sign of him in the backstage rehearsing area, he's definitely here somewhere because there's no way he would have tried walking home, it's too far.

"Where could he be? This place is massive." I ask Jakob taking a few wider steps to keep up with him.

"I don't know" he says not stopping

"Do you think he'd?" I ask trailing off hoping he knows what I mean

"Don't go there," he replies glancing at me this time "he's okay"

We eventually pass the bathroom and I stop.

"Do you hear that?" I whisper quietly stopping Jake with my arm, he listens briefly before nodding at me to go in.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Chris yells staring at his reflection "you fucking ruin everything, stupid fucking mistake. You've really done it this time, fucking idiot they're never going to forgive you. I hate you, I hate you!"
I swallow a lump in my throat, I can't cry. Jakob would see and that'd raise all sorts of questions

"Chris" Jakob says finally, Chris turns and looks at Jakob and I in turn, sadness has engulfed his big brown eyes and he looks like a lost puppy. All I want to do is hug him.

"I'm sorry" he says staring down at his shoes like he's just discovered the most interesting thing in the world

"No you're not." Finally I say something, his eyes flicker back up and meet mine and he shakes his head

"I'm not," he admits "I can't do this"
The room is silent for several minutes until Jakob speaks up.

"What if we voluntarily go home, we purposely do bad. I mean we've got a ton of support and I honestly think it's taken a toll on all of us." Jakob suggests, he has a point. This show has screwed us all over in some way.

"Chris?" I raise an eyebrow asking if he agrees, he bites his lip thinking it over but he eventually nods "I-I guess"

"Let's go then, I'll call my mum." Jakob pulls out his phone leaving the bathroom, as soon as the door swings closed I rush over to Chris engulfing him in a massive hug

"This isn't your fault, none of this is" I say into his shoulder

"Thank you" he responds, the door squeaks and Chris and I pull away and I quickly move away from him just as Jakob walks back in.

"Mums outside waiting for us" he says looking at both Chris and I.

We all walk out of the building ignoring all the weird stares we get as we walk by. We climb into the back of Jakob's car and thankfully his mum doesn't ask us any questions as to why we're leaving rehearsals so early, I don't think we should tell anyone our plan. We don't want them to stop us, we might be doing the wrong thing but this is what's right for us, we need to do this no matter where it takes us. I know we can make it, we've all got very different voices but when we sing together the harmonies are unbelievable. The truth is we probably never needed the X Factor, sure we wouldn't be as big but we would have gotten there quickly.

"Ethan" Jakob says snapping his fingers in front of my face

"Hm?" I turn and see that he and Chris have gotten out the car and are now waiting for me to do the same.

Chris' point of view:

Now they want to drop out of the competition completely, what have I done?
I guess there really isn't anything we can do now, there's one day until the show and there's no way we can prepare in that time.
I head for the stairs but Ethan stops me,

"Chris it's not your fault okay?" He says for the second time today looking at me seriously, I nod turning back and beginning to climb the stairs "please don't do anything stupid" I nod once more disappearing into my room.
My mum took my phone after 'the incident' and she is yet to give it back leaving me completely cut off from the fans, I really want to tell them I'm okay, physically that is.

Ethan soon appears at my door and I catch him staring at me
"What?" I ask him

"Just checking on you" he replies smiling

"Why?" I ask confused now

"Because I care about you." I smile at him as he makes his way over sitting beside me

"Have you told the fans that I'm okay?" I ask hoping he has

"Jake did," he answers "speaking of Jake, I should probably go before he starts suspecting something" I can literally feel my stomach sink, he already knows. I haven't worked out a way to tell Ethan that he knows, maybe I shouldn't. He'll tell Jake in his own time, hopefully when we work out us, if we're going to date.

"Please stay" I ask him quietly
"Always" he replies smiling.

We both lie back on my bed and I reach out entwining his fingers with mine, he shuffles closer and I wrap my arm around his waist pulling him into me. I know that he's asleep when his head falls softly onto my chest and light snores escape his lips. I rest my head on his closing my eyes and letting sleep slowly take over, there's no where else I would rather be right now, all I want is to stay here forever, together.


I run my hand through his hair slowly playing with it. Ethan is leaning into me as we both lean against my bed head. Just us two. He holds my hand in his kissing the back of it lightly

"This is nice" he mumbles opening his eyes.

"Good morning" I reply smiling at him

"We haven't had time truly alone in
ages" he muses running his fingers across my knuckles.

"You're really cute y'know" I say as I stop playing with his hair, he then tilts his head up slightly to look in your eyes

"I love you a lot y'know" he replies mimicking my phrase.

"Who doesn't?" I laugh jokingly

"I can't think of anyone" he smiles, deadly serious.

"You're going to be the death of me" I reply rolling my eyes

"If you go, I go" he says, his eyes sparkling with both happiness and content.

"That was very cliche" I laugh at his choice of words

"You love me" he smirks closing his eyes again

"Unfortunately, yes" I sigh poking his dimples, he groans as he pushes my hands away.

"Don't poke my face craters" he says breathing out trying to act annoyed

"They're cute" I tell him poking them again, this time he sits up and rubs his eyes

"Can I kiss you" he asks focusing back on me

"Well aren't you a gentleman, how could I ever say no?" I smile and he smiles too leaning forward and connecting my lips with his softly.

it basically skips to morning but I think you can figure that out so yeah

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now