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Ethan's point of view:

"Now you have to take one of these once a day and I'll let you know when you have to come back for a check up." The doctor holds out two bottles of medication, I take one but Chris doesn't react until I nudge him lightly.

"Thank you" I stand up, when Chris doesn't I take his hand and gently pull him up.

"Yeah thank you" Chris mumbles, the doctor nods and I open the door having to drag Chris with me. He's kind of just following me and it's quite obvious he's still in shock.

"Ethan" Chris stops

"Yes Baby?" I stop and walk closer to him

"Is it going to be okay?" He asks quietly

"Yes of course" I smile reassuringly

"You promise it will be?" He asks

"I promise" I rest my hands on his cheeks "cmon let's go"

I take his hand again and he follows me until we're out the hospital.

"So the next bus should be here in around 20 minutes, meaning we have to wait." I inform Chris after I finish reading the bus times

"Yeah, okay" Chris sighs going over to sit on the bench.

"Chris" I walk over and sit beside him "come on talk to me"

"I don't know Ethan, I don't know how to feel. I have an STD, a disease. We have one."

I sigh and nod, what can I say? I can't make this better. Nothing will.

The dead silence between Chris and I is broken by a persistent vibrating coming from my pocket, it takes me a second to realise that my phone is ringing and I quickly pull it out my pocket.

"It's Tahlia" I look up at Chris after glancing at the caller ID.

"Go on, answer it" he nudges me lightly

I accept the call and bring my phone up to my ear, Tahlia coughing into my ear is the first thing I hear.

"Ethan I'm sick" she sniffles, her voice is nasally and she definitely sounds sick.

"What's wrong?"

"My head hurts really bad and I feel like I might throw up" she pauses, "Dad's not home, can you come over?"

I stay silent and look over at Chris, he's still looking at me.

"She wants me to go over and see her" I whisper to Chris

"You have to go" he tells me, I know I shouldn't leave him but I've abandoned my sister too many times to count.

"I'll be there as soon as I can" I speak into the phone now "is there anything you need? Anything you need me to bring you?"

"No no, I just want my brother here with me. That's all." She coughs again

"I can do that" I nod, even though I know she can't see me. "I'll see you soon, I love you."

"I love you too" she hang up

"I don't have to go, I can call her back and-" Chris cuts me off before I can even finish my sentence

"Ethan she's your family, you have to go" he says, but I know he doesn't really want me to leave.

"You're my family too" this makes Chris smile

"Unfortunately, not yet" he sighs still with a smile on his face

"You know what I mean" I nudge him playfully

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now