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Chris' point of view:

When I wake up in the morning Ethan is already awake.

"Morning Bear" I mumble rolling over to him

"Morning Baby" he replies turning to smile at me

"What're you doing?" I ask propping myself up to have a better view

"Well, the nurse brought in my breakfast before and I guess I was just trying to convince myself to eat it." He tells me

"Maybe I can help" I sit up and rest my head on his shoulder, there's a ham sandwich on his plate.

"Some encouragement might be nice" he smirks, I lean forward that little bit extra and connect my lips with his for only a moment, then I pull away.

He picks up half the sandwich and takes a bite, he cringes.

I kiss his neck lightly, that little bit of extra encouragement. He gives me a small smile.

"It's hard today" he says quietly, his mood dropping with his tone

"Let's distract you then" I decide

"I don't have anything to talk about though"

"I have something," I clear my throat "Ethan I've been thinking a lot... About us coming out."

"Oh." He stops momentarily before taking a bite from his sandwich "a-and?"

"And, I think I'm ready to tell the fans. Only if you're ready to of course, we don't have to yet." I explain, he nods.

"I don't know. Just um, just let me think about it for a bit." He says, he's eating but he doesn't seem to be as focused on it as before.

"Of course. Take as long as you need, don't rush. It's your choice." I tell him. The last thing I want is for him to feel pressured.

"I'm just used to everyone making decisions for me and not giving me a say. In a way I'm grateful because half the time I think I'd make the wrong decision but sometimes I'd just like the choice." He says quietly "you're the only one to respect my choices"

"Am I the only one to give you a choice?"

"No," he says quieter than before, I almost strain to hear him "my mum gave me choices."

"I always will."

"I'll definitely think about it, us coming out I mean. I won't have much else to do when you leave anyway. I'll be alone." He sighs

"Not exactly" I crack a smile "I'm going to give you my phone and then when I get home I'll just use yours. You can text or call me whenever you need to, but don't let any doctors or nurses see."

"Thank you" he smiles too

He puts the tray down on the table and picks up the small container with his medication inside.

"They're different." He notes turning to show me "you don't think they changed them that quickly do you?"

"They must have." I respond

"I just don't understand why they had to be changed. I'd just gotten used to the other ones" Ethan sighs, but he tips them all into his hand anyway.

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now