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Chris' point of view:

Ethan's standing at the sink rinsing the spoons, I know for sure he's not wearing his ring now.

"Ethan..." I say, unsure of how to word this "Ethan, where's your ring?"

"Oh, it's in my suit jacket" he says putting down the spoons and walking past me.

I follow after him up the stairs and into his room, when I get there he's already got his hand in one of the pockets. He moves onto another and all of the colour drains from his face. He starts frantically searching through his pockets now.

"Something wrong?" I ask from his doorway

"It-it's not here" he says quietly and he rests the jacket back on his desk chair and resting his hands on the back of his neck

"What?" I ask in disbelief, stepping into his room fully now

"I swear it was ther-"

"You lost it." I cut him off harshly "how could you lose the promise ring Ethan?"

"It's got to be here somewhere" he tries, picking up the jacket again and searching the pockets again

"I thought I meant more to you than that Ethan." I reply, hurt

"Don't pull that with me, you know how much you mean to me" he retaliates

"Then where's the fucking ring?!" I raise my voice taking a step closer, my sadness being replaced with anger "why did you take it off in the first place?"

"Because we were going to court! If anyone saw us both wearing promise rings don't you think that's suspicious? I didn't want the fans to know!" He steps back

"Does it really matter if they do?!" I yell, starting to get angrier 

"Of course it does! They can't know Chris, I wouldn't have been so cautious about this if it didn't. I don't want to argue about this right now." he tells me

"Do you know how much I spent on that ring? How much planning it took? How much it meant? And now it doesn't matter because you fucking lost it Ethan!" I yell clenching my jaw

"It meant a lot to me too, more than you could ever know. I'm sorry, okay? Is that what you want to hear? I'm so fucking sorry I keep fucking things up for you"

"This has nothing to do with anything else, oh no, don't make it about that. This is about you, losing the one thing that promised us to each other, forever! The one thing that was special!" I curl my hands into fists and uncurl them again trying not to get too angry

He doesn't say anything so I continue.

"All I've ever done is be here for you Ethan, even after you've shut me out, and the one time I give you something that means a lot to me, you go and lose it. You threw away anything we could possibly have! I really thought you treasured it more than that. I guess I was wrong." I take a small step towards him, to which he takes a step back

"It has to be here somewhere, don't say that, it has to be here somewhere" he says still trying to resolve the situation, he's beyond worried now though.

"If it meant so much to you, you wouldn't have lost it. If you don't want to be with me just say so Ethan, maybe then I could have at least got my money back." I kick the wall in anger and it leaves a dint

"All I've ever wanted to do is be with you, Chris. This is my fault and I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry"

"Well, Ethan, maybe I don't want to be with you." I snap back

"You're breaking up with me?" He asks quieter now

"I guess I am"

"Chris I-"

"Don't even bother. You've already lost everything else so what's the point, right?" I run a hand through my hair probably messing it up

A look of hurt flickers in his eyes and he takes another step back "Right."

I turn on my heels and walk back towards the door, I'm just in the hallway when he speaks and I stop.

"Please don't go"

I keep walking.

Ethan's point of view:

I jump in fright when the front door slams. He's gone.

I sink down to the floor and hold my head in my hands. I actually lost the ring. I lost the promise ring. I broke the promise and now Chris doesn't want to be with me.

I've completely fucked up this time, I can't believe I've lost it. Chris broke up with me, he's done.

A tear slides down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away, but another comes and I know I won't be able to stop them all.

"Chris? Ethan?" I hear Jakob call and footsteps make their way up the stairs, I don't reply.

His footsteps draw closer as he walks down the hallway and I take in a deep breathe trying to calm myself enough to be able to speak.

"Woah Ethan, what happened? Where's Chris?" Jakob asks appearing at my doorway and rushing to my side

"He's gone," I mumble wiping away a few tears "I lost the ring. He's gone."

"Wait what? How did you lose it?" He furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head slightly

"I-I took it off because I didn't want to risk anyone seeing us both having one and I put it in the pocket of my suit jacket, but now it's gone." I explain

He nods staying silent for a few moments, taking in what I said.

"And... He just left?" He asks trying to keep up

"He said that because I'd lost it I mustn't want to be with him. He wouldn't listen to me. It's over, he left me." I tell him sniffling

"Come here" he says opening his arms

I move the little distance between us and lean into him, resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arms loosely around him.

"It's going to be okay" he reassures me, all I nod.

I just hope I can hold myself together long enough.

Barely Breathing//EthisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon