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A/N: Idk if this needs a warning but I guess, warning?

Chris' point of view:

I throw the notebook onto my bed and walk back to the kitchen to finish baking these cookies.

I honestly don't know why I decided to bake these cookies, they're just reminding me of the time Jakob, Ethan and I all made cookies together.

I finally manage to get the cookies into the oven after mixing the batter until I'm satisfied that I won't die when I eat the cookies.

The notebook has been playing on my mind since Tahlia gave me no choice but to take it, what on earth could it be? Why would Tahlia bring it to me and say what she did?

Curiosity gets the better of me and I jog up the stairs and into my room. I find the notebook on my bed right where I left it. I pick it up turning it over in my hands, there's nothing out of the ordinary about it I suppose. It's just a plain black notebook that looks a little old and worn, like it hasn't been written in in a while.

I sit down on the edge of my bed and open it up to the first page, immediately recognising Ethan's hand writing. I recognise the date too, it's one of The Voice Kids Tour dates.

26 September 2014

Jeremy came into my hotel room and swiftly locked the door behind him. I did my best to back away to the very corner of the room, until I hit the wall.

I know what this is. I flick through the notebook quickly and my suspicions are confirmed. Ethan wrote everything Jeremy did to him in this notebook. I don't know how to feel about that. I'm angry at him but it doesn't make reading this any easier.

He walked over to me and pulled me by the shirt over to the bed

"No, no, no, no" I rushed trying to pull away from his grasp

He grabbed me by the shoulders and made me stand in front of him, he proceeded to take my shirt and pull it over my head roughly.

We heard footsteps and voices coming down the hallway, I could have sworn one of them was Chris.

I don't know what came over me next:

"Chris! Chris, help!" I yelled as loud as I dared, only to have Jeremy clamp his hand over my mouth and punch me it the stomach. I doubled over in pain and he removed his hand, I didn't say anything after that.

I have to stop reading for a minute after reading that. A tear slides down my cheek and I rest the opened notebook on my face. He needed me. He needed me and I wasn't there, I didn't know what was going on and I could have stopped it if I had just heard him calling my name, but I didn't and it still happened.

I had made him angry, and God I wish I hadn't.

He pushed me back onto the bed and undid the zipper of my jeans, he pulled them off aggressively and I shivered at the coldness.

He knelt over me and slowly took off my underwear.

"Is this because of me?" He asks with a smirk, leaning down and touching my scars on either side of my hips

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