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Chris' point of view

I wake up in an unfamiliar place surrounded by many unfamiliar people lying around in piles of plastic cups, vomit and all sorts. I stand up feeling an instant throbbing pain in my head. Wincing in pain I stumble forward trying to remember any events that occurred from the day before. I can vaguely remember Ethan being ready for something and some type of plans we made together and then getting blind drunk at some party. I stumble down a hallway until I'm finally outside, now all I have to do is remember where I parked the car.

Taking about ten minutes to find it I put the keys in the ignition and the engine roars to life, I take a minute to rest my head on he steering wheel in an effort to compose myself. I know I shouldn't be driving right now but all I want to do is go home and rest.

"Where've you been?" Ethan asks almost as soon as I walk through the front door.

"Uh nowhere" I reply walking past him.

I can't tell him that I was at a party because I don't want him to start worrying that something bad will happen again. If something did, we would probably know it by now because Jakob and Ethan will have been on some form of social media today, surely.

"Chris where did you go?" He asks again sounding annoyed that I'm not telling him.

"I went to a party okay?!" I almost yell storming into my room but of course he follows close behind me

"Why?" He asks sighing and leaning against the doorframe. 

"I went because Lara wanted me to pick her up- shit, I forgot about Lara" I say realising that I actually forgot all about Lara and picking her up from the party.
Pulling my phone out I dial Lara's number, thankfully she picks up.

"Lara, I'm really sorry I didn't pick you up last night, I completely forgot. I got..sidetracked" I rush not giving her a chance to yell at me or hang up.

"Chris it's fine, I'm fine. I managed to get home safely don't worry about it" she replies, she's being very understanding about all of this. If it were me in her situation I wouldn't be as forgiving, that's for sure.

She ends the call and I almost immediately feel the need to throw up, I run to the bathroom just in time to throw up in the toilet.

"You got drunk" Ethan states from what I assume is the doorway

"I didn't mean to," I manage to get out before throwing up once more "this guy forced me to"

"It's okay," he replies "I'll go get you some water"

I nod pulling myself back up into a standing position. I attempt to make my way back to my room but the throbbing pain in my head prevents me. I lean against the wall closing my eyes until I hear Ethan's footsteps coming towards me and I gladly take the water from him.

"C'mon" he says putting my arm around him so he can help me walk the rest of the way to my room without stumbling and falling.

"Thank you" I sigh lying down on my bed

"Feel any better?" He asks placing the cup of water on the bedside table beside me.

"Lay with me and I will." I almost whisper accidentally letting the words slip from my mouth, I look up at him to see him already smiling down at me. He then lies next to me shuffling closer as he takes my hand, entwining his finger with mine.
I lean my head on his shoulder closing my eyes.

"Thank you" I say again 

"Anything for you" he answers softly, almost as if I wasn't supposed to hear him say it.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to go on that date" I tell him nuzzling into his side and breathing in his cologne. There's something about his touch that soothes me, he makes everything better.

"It's okay, we're together now anyway. We don't even have to go on a date, I honestly just want to be with you, we could sit in silence and I would still enjoy it" he says laughing at his words.

Ethan's point of view:

I really hope nothing did happen at that party, none of us can bare another repeat of what happened at the last party Chris went to. If he was drunk he wouldn't remember if anything did happen anyway, if something did happen I'm sure that we will all find out soon enough. The one thing that can't happen is Owen finding out because I don't think any of us want to find out what he will do if he does.

A/N: I know that this is really short and that this is super boring but there are some pretty cool things coming up so yeah :)

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