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Chris' point of view:

"Soooooo" I smile looking at Ethan

"What?" He looks at me confused

"Soooooo" I repeat "it's November 1st do you know what that means?"

"No, what?" The confusion continues to stay on his face

"That means it's your birthday soon silly" I smile

"Oh yeah" he looks away not seeming the slightest bit excited.

"Hey" I nudge him lightly and he looks at me again "being 17 isn't that bad"

He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"What's the point of even celebrating being a year older? Everyone gets older every single year why make a big deal about every single birthday?" He says

"Yes but it's not every year you turn 17" I lean over to him and squish his cheeks

"You never turn any age again you goose" he pushes my hand away shaking his head.

"Yeah but stillll" I shuffle closer to him

"Okay, okay"

"I know exactly what I'm going to get you" I smile and he rolls his eyes again

"You don't have to get me anything"

"Shut up I am"

He groans.

"Until you accept the inevitability of turning a year older I'm going to continuously bug you about it." I smirk poking one of his dimples

"Ugh you're so annoying" he pushes my hand away

"You love me"

"You got me there"

I peck his lips softly and he smiles.

"Jake and I are gonna go shopping next week some time"

There's no expression on his face for a moment, and then he speaks,

"Hey why don't we go do something?" He looks at me with eyes full of hope, how can I resist those eyes?

"What do you have in mind?" I sit up and so does he

"Can we go to the beach?" He asks

"Of course we can" his face lights up at this and he jumps to his feet.

The next few minutes we spend getting towels, sunglasses, sunscreen and of course our phones.

We get out bathers on and we're off, I lock the front door behind me and we start our walk down the road to the beach.

I grab his hand and he stops in his tracks for a second and I look back at him to see him unable to take his eyes off our hands, still grasping each other. He looks up to meet my eyes and the biggest smile spreads across his face and he starts walking again, I do too.

He starts to swing our hands back and forth slowly and I smile, this small public display of affection has made us both unbelievably happy.

"Look we're here" I stop and look back at him and he looks up at last

"Come on then" I drag him onto the sand and we put all our things down.

He sits down.

"And what do you think you're going?" I look down at him and he looks up at me.

"Last I checked I was sitting down" he smirks

"Right that's it" I bend down and pick him up throwing him over my shoulder "you cheeky shit"

"ChRis put me down!" He yells

"Hmm nah" I chuckle

"Christopher James Lanzon I swear to god if you don't p-"

"Alright, alright calm down" I put him down

"Thank you" he huffs, annoyed.

"Well come on then let's go in the water" I grab his hand again and pull him to the water.

"Wait." He stops just before the waves have a chance to even reach him.

"What is it?" I stop too

"It looks cold" he stares at the waves jumping back if one comes too close for his liking.

I roll my eyes "It's the ocean what do you expect?"

I pick him up again and run into the water dropping him when a big enough wave comes. He comes splashing up gasping for air, his mop of hair covering his eyes completely and he flicks it back before the anger really sets in.

"CHRIS" he screams and I wince

"Jesus Ethan my ears, please it's just water chill out"

He splashes me with water and a great majority of it ends up in my mouth.

"How is that fair" I splash him back

"It's fair because you full on dropped me in the water and that's not fair"

"Okay I apologise" I hold my hands up as a truce

"Nope not good enough" he splashes me

"Hey hey" I walk towards him with my arms still up, once I reach him I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug.

"This good enough?" I look at him

"Definitely" he smiles and wraps his arms around me hugging me back.

I sway us slowly and we must have been hugging for a few minutes before we eventually pull away.

He smiles and I smile too, this is a memorable day.

"Come on" he runs out the water and onto the sand

"Don't fall you'll get covered in sand!" I yell out and he turns around to look at me throwing his arms up in the air as if him falling over is the most bizarre thing he'd ever heard.

I shake my head and make my way out the water following Ethan up the sand.

I run the rest of the way up the sand and tackle Ethan onto one of our towels.

"Argh Chris" he rolls over

"Oops" I laugh

"You're an idiot" he shakes his head laughing too

"You're dating me" I raise my eyebrows

"Yes and I wouldn't want to date anyone else but sometimes you're so damn annoying" he pushes me off him

"I love you" I sit up and look down at him

"I love you too" he sits up and looks at me too "however I am still partly covered in sand"

"I could throw you back in the water if you like" I get up and smirk


A/N: hi, I am in fact alive I've had writers block real bad but I hope y'all enjoy this chapter because I think it's pretty cute idk :)

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