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Jakob's point of view:

After a few more rounds of Uno Ethan tells me he's getting tired, he does seem different and I assume it's because the medication has kicked in. He stands up and I stay on the floor beginning to put away all of the Uno cards into the packet.

Out of the corner from of my eye I can see Ethan pull back the covers of his bed and pull off his beanie before he climbs into bed.

"Won't you be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans?" I ask stopping what I'm doing to look up at him properly, he turns his body to face me and pulls the covers up to his chin.

"I'd just really like to keep all my clothes on" he mumbles

I pull out my phone and find Chris' contact.

Me: Can you bring Ethan comfier clothes tomorrow?

Chris: Sure

Maybe I should sleep too.

I stand up from the chair and make my way over to the bed on the other side of the room. I know Chris was meant to sleep here but it's clear that he hasn't been. I pull back the covers and climb into bed, I didn't think I was that tired until I find myself barely able to keep my eyes open.

Next day:

"Jakob." Ethan whispers poking my face

"Ethan" I whisper pushing his hand away "what do you want?"

"I want you to get up" he continues to whisper


"Because I'm up."

I groan.

"Can't you go back to sleep?" I ask sleepily, not wanting to be more awake than I already am

"No, I'm wide awake" he persists

"Is this some weird side effect of your medication because I hate it" I groan sitting up, this won't end otherwise. Ethan smiles.

"Now what?" I sigh

"Now, we sit. And we talk." He sits down next to me, making the bed shake.

"Okay, about what?" I ask rubbing my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up a little bit more

"I guess I hadn't got that far..." He trails off

"Ethan you woke me up for this" I whine

"I really appreciate you." He says suddenly, taking me a lot by surprise "everything you've done for me, the band, the fans. You're great and I don't think Chris or I could have got as far as we have without you. You're always there for me, I can talk to you about things I can't with Chris. You're just all round an amazing person and I feel like you don't get enough recognition for that so, thank you so much."

"Wow I-um, that means a lot to me." I say, still taking in everything he said.

I stand up and stretch out my arms.

"I think I'm going to get some coffee, want me to get you some?" I offer

"Can you get me tea instead?" He asks

I nod and leave Ethan's room, the cafeteria isn't that far from here so I won't be long. I don't really know how I'm supposed to act around him. I know it's because of all the medication he's on, one minute he's normal Ethan and then the next he's not, the next he's dull and lifeless.

I reach the cafeteria and walk over to the little coffee place. I order one coffee and one tea to go and it takes only a few minutes before they're ready. I pay for them and take the drinks from the counter. I walk back to Ethan's room.

Barely Breathing//Ethisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن