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Ethan's point of view:

"I am confident that you will be able to go home in a day or two, however you will still need to take your medication." The doctor tells me

"Really?" I ask in disbelief, I had begun to believe that I would never get out of here. As silly as that sounds.

"We've contacted an Ingrid Lanzon and informed her of the plans." The doctor continues, I nod not really knowing what else to do.

Shortly after that, the doctor leaves and I'm left alone. I hope Ingrid hasn't told Chris that I might be let out of hospital soon, it would be nice to surprise him.

I'm not left alone for long because a nurse enters my room with a kind smile.

"Hi Ethan, I'm Emma and I'm here to take you to have your final weigh in. I know that if you reach your goal that you'll be allowed to go home and I'm rooting for you as much as you probably are." Emma says in a chirpy tone.

"Have you read my file?" I ask, cringing immediately after the words leave my mouth.

"I have." Her tone changes and I can detect the slightest bit of pity. I hate that. "I've also seen some of your singing videos and I think they're great"

I look down at my feet and smile "Thank you"

"Now, if you'll follow me," she says after a moment of silence "I'll take you to have your final weigh in"

I follow her out my room, down the long white hallways that seem never ending. I'm pretty certain I could find my own way there, I have been there multiple times before but I don't think anyone here trusts me enough.

"So is there anything special you're planning to do when you're released?" Emma asks with a smile

"Well it's my boyfriends birthday tomorrow and I just really want to surprise him. I've been the cause of his stress lately and I want to make it up to him." I tell her, unable to keep a smile off my face.

"That sounds nice. Is he one of the other boys in the band you're in?" She asks as she holds a door open for me.

"Yeah, I don't know how good you are with remembering faces and features but he has jet black hair and brown eyes." I picture Chris' face in my mind, not that I'd need to if I needed to describe him.

"Ah, yep, I know the one. Does he treat you right?"

I nod, I know exactly what she implying though. My file would have been updated since Chris told the doctors about Jeremy.

"He does" I smile at the thought "probably better than I deserve."

"Well, here we are" she says holding another door open for me, I step inside and she closes the door. "I'm sure that by now you probably know the drill but I have to run you through everything anyway."

"If you'll just remove your shoes and socks" she instructs, I kick off my shoes and slowly take off my socks. As soon as my feet touch the ground I feel the cold hard floor beneath me, sending chills through my whole body.

"Just pull out your pockets so I can check them, not that I think you would have weights in them but it's part of the procedure."

I sigh and pull out both my pockets. Once she's checked them I remove my jumper and let her check my shirt.

"Step on to the scales for me." She says moving out my way

I take a deep breath and step on to the scales, please. I've been working so hard for this, I'd promised myself I'd be out by Chris' birthday.

"Ethan you did it!" Emma's excited voice is what makes me look down. "Hey congratulations, you get to go home"

When I look at her she's smiling, I don't think I could wipe the smile off my face even if I tried. I did it.

I step of the scales and watch the numbers go back to zero before I begin to put on my socks and shoes. Emma hands me my jumper and I gratefully take it, my whole body starting to become cold.

"I'm so happy for you!" Emma exclaims

I don't say anything, I'm practically speechless. I've been here for so long and now I get to leave.

She begins to lead me back to my room, this time it's much less chatty.

"Alright Ethan," Emma sighs loudly once we reach my room "I have to go fill out some of your paper work now, I might not get the chance to see you tomorrow so I wish you all the best and, I mean this in the nicest way possible. I don't want to see you back here okay?"

"Thank you" I mumble, she nods and I turn to open the door to my room.

Jakob's point of view:

"So are you excited?" I shake Chris lightly in my own excitement

He shrugs "another year, another birthday, it's no big deal."

"No big deal? Chris it's your birthday, better yet it's your sixteenth birthday, how can you not even be the tiniest bit excited?" I ask in disbelief, I'm always excited for my birthday.

Chris shrugs again. "All that I want for my birthday is for Ethan to be okay, for Ethan to be here."

I'm stumped. I don't know how to cheer him up from this one.

"Even if.." I start, hoping the words will just come to me "even if he's not home tomorrow, you can see me, you'll have your parents too."

"You're right. I didn't mean to make you feel bad it just won't be the same without Ethan, you know?" He says with a sigh

"No, no I understand. I completely understand, in fact if you didn't want to see your boyfriend on your birthday I'd probably think you'd gone mad." I chuckle, he does too.

It's after this that I get a text, I open my phone to see a text from Chris; well, from Ethan.

The plan is all systems go.

I smile and look back at Chris.

"Who knows, though, maybe he will be here tomorrow."

A/N: let's pretend that I updated sooner than like 10 days

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