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Chris' point of view:

Ethan's entire body tenses and his chest begins rising and falling much more noticeably, because standing in my doorway is none other than the producer that raped him.

I had managed to block out everything about that night not wanting to believe that he was doing anything he shouldn't be, I managed to even forgot that it was him, that I had already knew him, until now.

"I don't know if you remember Ethan, but Jeremy here, was a producer on TVK and he's a family friend" mum reminds Ethan, not that he needs it. Not that he wants it.

"Ethan and I were quite well acquainted" Jeremy says smiling directly at Ethan, I would have punched him right then and there if it weren't for the fact that Ethan was literally shaking beside me.  

I give Ethan's hand a light squeeze, but he doesn't move and he doesn't look at me. He just looks like he's going to start crying any second, I need to get him out of here. I don't say anything to my parents instead I place my free hand on Ethan's back and guide him to my room trying to ignore the conversation my parents are having with Jeremy as they invite him inside.

Once my bedroom door is closed I turn to face Ethan, he still hasn't let go or loosened his grip on my hand. He stares at me for a few seconds before he bursts into tears.

"Please, please don't let him touch me again." He starts to cry a little harder starting to hyperventilate as he slowly lowers himself to the ground, I quickly grab him under his arms pulling him back up and into a hug.

"I won't I promise, it's okay, it's okay. I won't let him hurt you again. We can go, we don't have to stay." I say softly holding him up so he doesn't fall to the ground, he eventually nods and let's me wipe away his tears.

I wait for him to nod telling me I can open the door, he draws in a sharp breath and wraps his arm around my bicep tightly before he finally nods.

We walk quietly down the stairs and I open the front door

"Ethan and I have to go, there's an emergency at the band house!" I shout not really caring if anyone hears me or not, I pull Ethan with me outside letting the door slam behind us.

Ethan still hasn't stopped crying and his breathing is still a little concerning,

I stop abruptly causing him to look at me with a confused expression. I don't say anything, instead I untangle him from me and he immediately whimpers softly at the loss of touch. I pick him up using one arm to support his back and the other is placed under his knees. He tries to muster a smile but fails so he nuzzles his head into my chest closing his eyes instead.

"You're safe bub" I reassure him, starting to walk in the direction of home once again

"I like it when you call me that" he mutters softly

"I know you do" I say under my breath smiling down at him

The rest of the walk home is silent and Ethan has now stopped crying.
I'm thankful that when we get home the door is unlocked but it does prove a challenge when trying to open the door with a person in your arms.

I get it open finally and I carry Ethan into the living room, Jake doesn't appear to be up so it's quiet peaceful.

I look down at Ethan and notice that he's sound asleep in my arms, one of his cheeks is pressed up against my chest making both of them look chubby, his hands are hidden within the jumper sleeves that are rested on his stomach and his nose is crinkled slightly due to the small smile he has on his face.

I sit down on the couch being careful not to wake him. I don't want him to start freaking out again, although I know it is inevitable at least I can delay it just a little bit longer.

I can't imagine what he must have been thinking when he saw Jeremy appear at my doorstep, he must have thought he was there to torment him all over again.

I want to protect him as much as I possibly can, he's been through so much in such a short time span and he's been so strong to keep going like he has.

He's so kind and generous and it brings me physical pain when I think that so many people have taken advantage of him for that.

His innocence was ripped from him in one of the most sickest ways possible and he has a constant reminder of that in his dreams, in his thoughts, in certain things he does. If I can help him forget even for a short time then that's what I want to do.

I think that we're all given a purpose in life, and mine is to fix Ethan Karpathy.

Ethan's point of view:

I feel like I'm going to scream when Chris and his parents leave me alone in the living room with Jeremy, but I'm unable to make a sound.

Jeremy edges that little bit closer to me and speaks

"You look as beautiful as ever Ethan"

A shiver runs down my spine and I move away from him beginning to feel queasy.

"D-don't call me that" I stutter trying to sound as brave as possible

"I will call you whatever the hell I want to, got that?" He says raising his voice and moving closer to me until we're only centimetres apart, his hand grips my thigh and I let out a small yelp unable to look at him.

"If you yell or fight back then I'll make sure it is even more painful than last time, okay? Now look at me." He says firmly

I look up at him to see he has a smug smile on his face.

"I think about you all the time," he says and I feel like I'm about to cry, but I force myself not to "I think about all those noises you make when you're in pain. I think about how you move your thighs when you're trying to get away, I think about the small whimpers and pleas that escape your lips. I think about how your stomach flexes when you want me to stop touching you. I think about your petite little hips when I push you down onto the couch and pull your underwear off. How you buck your hips when the pain is unbearable-"

"Shut up!" I shout using all the strength I can muster "stop it, shut up!"

And then I wake up.

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now