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Chris' point of view:

"The act I'm sending home tonight is," Dannii pauses "In Stereo" Jakob, Ethan and I try our best to look upset. Jakob and Ethan both say a few words to the fans and how this isn't the end of In Stereo.

The remaining contestants all make their way on stage and I get suffocated in hugs with everyone saying different things to me at the same time. I try to listen to what they're saying but all their words just become muffled sounds. I thank them all politely before I join Ethan and Jakob at the front of the stage and we meet a few fans.
Finally we all make our way off stage sighing in relief, that was overwhelming.

Jakob and Ethan both smile at me and we all quickly rush out the back exit not wanting to be swarmed by any fans, we practically jump in my parents car. The car ride is filled with my parents trying to cheer us up and give us hope about the future, we just have nod and take in what they have to say, not even they knew of our plan and if they did they'd probably stop is or just be plain disappointed.

We reach home and I say goodbye to my parents as Jakob and Ethan get everything we took with us to X Factor inside.

"You were amazing" mum smiles with tears welling up in her eyes

"We're incredibly proud of how far you made it" dad adds

"Thanks" is all I say closing the car door, giving them one last wave and walking inside. I walk into the living room seeing Ethan already there, he walks over to me smiling

"I'm so proud of you" he says hugging me

"I'm proud of you too" I reply but when he pulls away the smile is no longer on his face and he looks as pale as a ghost

"Jakob just saw us," he says running a hand through his hair "what if he starts to ask us questions? Do you think he puts two and two together?" He rambles on beginning to worry and I know I have to do it, I have to tell him.

"Ethan he knows" I respond quietly looking down at my hands

"He what?" Ethan asks, eyes growing wide with fear

"You don't understand, I had to tell him" I rush desperate to explain

"How could you Chris? That wasn't your secret to share, that was my secret!" he says getting angry now

"I didn't know what to do Ethan, you were shutting me out and I had no one to turn to" I tell him biting my lip

"That gives you no right Chris, you knew I didn't want to tell anyone. I'm not ready to tell people, I've kept that secret my entire life. If people are going to find out it should be from me!" He yells now

"I know, I'm sorry Ethan. I'm so sorry" I apologise

"Don't. Just don't." His voice drops now and he pushes past me, pulling the front door open

"Where are you going?" I ask, he turns his head looking me directly in the eyes
"I'm going home." With that he slams the door and is gone.

I turn around and see Jakob sitting on the bottom of the stairs

"You heard all of it didn't you?" I ask already knowing the answer, he nods

"Sorry man" he says sympathetically
"It's fine" I answer sitting beside him

"He'll be back" Jakob reassures, I sure hope so.

"We're finally free" I change the subject

"Yeah, feels good doesn't it?" He smiles
"I guess" I agree

"What are we going to do from here?" I ask, we never actually planned any further than this point and now that we are here I don't want to we're going to do. We said we have big things planned.

"I don't know, we could release a couple of the songs we've written" he suggests fixing his hair

"We could, that'd get the hype up if we were to release an album" I spitball on his idea

"Anyway it's pretty late now so I think I'm gonna head of to bed, are you gonna be okay?" He asks standing up

"Yeah" I smile watching him disappear into the darkness.

We're no longer contestants on The X Factor 2015. We can finally break away from it and not be known as 'that band from X Factor' hopefully we won't be labelled as a band that was on X Factor for too long. None of us want that. I'll admit it did help us get out there but we are so much more than just another boy band on another TV show.

You could've won if you hadn't gone and fucked it up for yourself.

I rest my head in my hands, Ethan's gone. He's actually gone, I just wish there was some other way I could have told him. A way where I wasn't forced to tell him.

I know he needs time to think everything over. It's a lot to take in, he had every right to get angry at me. Even I would have been angry at me, I am angry at me. I just hope he comes back soon, if he ever comes back that is.

Ethan's point of view:

"Hey sweetie, what're you doing here? I thought you were with the boys." Mum says opening the door and letting me inside

"Uh yeah I was, but I figured that I haven't been home in a while so I thought that I could stay here for a few days, is that okay?" I ask not making eye contact, I don't want to show her that I've been crying.

"Of course, I'm glad you're home" she smiles pulling me into a hug.

"I love you" I say into her hair

"I love you too, always" she says pulling away.

I smile at her weakly at her, she loves me now.

A/N: Hi hello, deal with the mistakes.
I'm dying @ ethis

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