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Chris' point of view:

"Chris," Ethan whimpers from beside me "hurts" is all he says, I turn to see him trying to stand up, with much difficulty.  

"Hey, hey don't get up. It's okay, I'm going to get you painkillers." I instruct standing up and helping him back into bed, still half asleep myself.

I make my way downstairs rubbing my eyes as I enter the kitchen, I open one of the cabinets and grab the packet of painkillers. I pour a glass of water and carefully carry it upstairs.

I hand the glass to Ethan along with two painkillers, he takes them one at a time and places the glass on the bedside table.

"They should kick in, in about five minutes" I tell him sitting on the end of the bed near his feet

"Thank you" he smiles adjusting his position

"I'm just going to go and get changed, I'll be back in a minute" I tell him, getting up and exiting his room walking into my own.

I quickly get changed into a random t shirt and jeans. I return to Ethan's room and he gives me a lopsided smile

"Chris, I love you"

"I know, I love you too" I reply walking over and sitting where I was before

"No, I love you like a lot. I have for three years, you're great, you're really great and I want to kiss you all the time" he says stumbling on a few words

"Ethan I don't think you know what you're saying." I state smiling back at him

"Yes I do" he argues frowning, trying his best to look serious, failing.
I shake my head at his cuteness and continue to listen to whatever he's saying now

I decide to rule this off as a side affect of the painkillers and just let him ramble on about nonsense until something he says catches my attention.

"What did you say?" I ask looking back at him

"I said that maybe what happened at the sing offs is all I'm good at, silly" he laughs

"Uh Ethan, you don't actually think that do you?" I ask looking at him serious now

"Yeah that's what he told me, I've been too scared to tell you because I thought you might be disappointed in me or something. I don't want to disappoint you, sometimes it stresses me out. But now it's okay because I've told you" he says throwing his hands up

"Ethan, what else do you think?" I ask, I can get him to tell me more now seeing as though he probably won't remember this and he seems pretty open about it

"I should have stayed with you and rehearsed so I didn't go out of the competition. And dad wouldn't beat the shit out of me like before" he says poking a bruise on his arm

"It's not your fault" I remind him

"I know that time wasn't" he says smiling as he plays with his hair

"There is another time?" I ask a little scared of the answer

"Yeah, at the finale," he mumbles sinking lower into the pillow "he put his hand down my pants but I ran away before he could do anything else"

I feel my heart drop in my chest and I stay silent for a few minutes

"And how was that your fault?" I ask finally

"It just is"

"Ethan that's not a reason." I reply

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now