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Chris' point of view:

"Ethannnn" I whine for about the tenth time in the last five minutes

"Chill out I said I'm almost done" his voice calls back from the other side of the bathroom door.

"You said that five minutes ago!"

The bathroom door opens and I come face to face with Ethan.

"I told you I was almost done" he smiles and for a moment I'm able to take in his appearance; his hair dripping wet from his shower, little droplets of water falling onto his shoulders and running down his chest until finally I notice the towel he has firmly wrapped around his waist. Then he pushes past me and I remember that I'm meant to be moving into the bathroom, and that's what I do.

20 minutes later I'm back in my bedroom showered and clothed. Both Ethan and I lay on my bed on our phones.

"Hey look at this" he puts his phone in front of mine showing me a photo of us from The 1975 concert.

I smile "Can you send it to me"

The next minute I've got a notification telling me that 'ethankarpathyofficial has sent you a photo' and I open the dm saving the photo to my camera roll.

"Can I post it?" I look at Ethan for confirmation just in case he doesn't want me to.

"Of course you can" he looks at me and smiles

I smile and go to make a new post, I tag Ethan in the photo of course and my caption is just Ethan's username. Then I post it and the likes and comments start flooding in.

I think most people have definitely caught on that something is going on between Ethan and I. We probably won't confirm it, we don't have to. We can act like a couple in public now and I know that both of us are very happy about it.

"I love you" Ethan's voice breaks me out of my thoughts and the smile already plastered on my face widens.

"I love you too Ethan" it's his turn to smile now

There's a few minutes of silence and again, Ethan's the one to break it,

"It's late" he yawns and I check the time on my phone

"Oh shit yeah, I swear it was like 5 last time I checked" Ethan hums in response and I watch as he pulls his t-shirt over his head and finally he climbs into bed.

I do the same and lie next to him, he smiles at me and I drape an arm over his stomach.

"You're warm" he says quietly

"You're not" I reply pulling him closer to me

"I know" he places a hand on my chest and traces small circles on it with his index finger

"You're cute" I smile at him

"Okay" he says not really listening or paying attention, he's too caught up in focusing on his finger. He's so gentle it's almost like he's not even touching me.


"Hmm?" He blinks and looks up from his finger to meet my eyes

"I love you" I decide on saying something else

"I love you too" he kisses me and smiles

He goes back to focusing on his finger and he rests his head on my shoulder.

I grab my phone and unlock it checking all my notifications. I now have thousands of likes and even comments on the photo of me and Ethan from The 1975 concert, some good and some bad. By now I've definitely learnt that it's best to just ignore the negative comments.

"Hey Eth-" I stop once I look at him realising that he's fallen asleep. I guess I'll show him all the positivity in the morning.

I push his hair back off his face and open snapchat taking a photo of him and adding it to my Story. I continue to check the rest of my social medias and I reply to a few fans tweets and comments left on both mine and Ethan's Instagram posts.

It's when I almost drop my phone on my face that I know I should probably be getting to sleep soon so I put both mine and Ethan's phone on charge and I lie down properly allowing myself to be able to wrap both my arms around Ethan. I run my fingers up and down his spine gently and study his facial features and I know it my eyes start to become heavier until I'm unable to keep them open any longer and sleep takes over.


"CHRIS WAKE UP" Ethan shouts jumping on me

"Ah Ethan what? What is it? What's wrong?" I sit up half asleep and very confused.

"Nothing's wrong, the day has begun and you are missing it" he jumps up and stands on the bed

"Jesus, Ethan did you have coffee again?" I rub my eyes and finally they start to adjust and I see that Ethan is already dressed and very, very energised.

"Maybe" he jumps down and sits next to me, I shake my head and stand up. Ethan stands up too and he wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"You need to calm down it's only....1pm" my voice gets considerably quieter as I check the time on my phone.

"Jakob and I have been up for ages and he's been showing me some new music he's writing and Chris it's sooooo good you gotta check it out come onnn" he grabs my arm and starts to pull me towards the door.

"Hold on, I have to get dressed" I walk into my wardrobe and pull out the first things I see; black skinny jeans and my black Authority Clothing muscle top.

I step back into my bedroom only a few minutes later to find that Ethan is no where to be seen, this kid I swear. I find him and Jakob downstairs sitting on the couch each with a laptop resting in their laps, guitars and papers all scattered around.

"You could have woken me if you were gonna song write" I walk over and join them on the couch, Jakob moves over more so we have more room.

"Nah it's okay, Ethan and I have just been fixing up some things we've already been working on."

I lean over and peer at Ethan's laptop.

"So this is what we've got so far" Jakob presses play on the program and the demo music starts to play.

A/N: ya girl has naplan next week pls pray for me

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