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Jakob's point of view:

Ethan jumps from the bed and he crosses his arms over his stomach starting to pace

"You deserve this Ethan" he whispers to himself

"Ethan," he stops pacing and he turns to look at me "it's over, it was just a dream"

"It wasn't a dream though Jakob, it was a memory," he says clutching his sides tighter "It hurt so much" he continues, he looks down and swallows the lump in his throat

I cross my legs to make myself more comfortable, I say nothing knowing that he needs to tell me this, he's waited so long.

"Why me? I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone else but there were plenty of other kids there. What was so special about the shy, self conscious goody two shoes? Was that it? The fact I'd do anything because I didn't want to let people down or was it that he just enjoyed watching me writhe in pain? I don't know what was more humiliating, him telling me every little thing he was going to do or making me beg on my knees for him not to. Oh god, it was terrible, I'm terrible.  Chris only made it worse, I could have screamed for help but it hurt to do anything and when he left it was worse, it was so much worse. I hate myself so much for screaming in the first place." He finishes sighing, I know that's the furthest he's ever told someone. I watch him place his hands on the back of his neck starting to pace again.
I stay quite watching him pace as he continues to mumble things to himself until he stops completely.

"Jake?" He asks looking at me now

"Yes Ethan?"

"Thank you for being so nice about all this" he says quietly

"Thank you for finally opening up about it"

"It's kind of relieving I guess, even telling someone so little as what I told you." He sighs walking back over to the bed and sitting on the edge "it doesn't change that Chris is disappointed in me, I should have just told him. All I've done since we've been in a relationship is over complicate things and make everything so much harder." He says crying lightly

"I know he didn't mean what he said, even if he doesn't admit it. He was just angry that you were shutting him out." I reassure him.

Before I know it Ethan's lips are on mine and he's kissing me yet again, I lean back a little in surprise and this time he kisses me longer than the last, I don't really mind though because I just want to help. He's hurting right now, and if this means that it lessens the pain then who am I to deny him of that?

He finally pulls away and the two of us are silent, the only sound to be heard is Ethan's heavy breathing as he tries to regain his breath.

"Sorry I-"

"It's fine, I understand." I cuts me off not needing to hear him apologise again, I stand up and walk across the room "I'll be right back"

I make my way from his room down the stairs until I'm in the kitchen where I'm met by Chris. He doesn't say anything but his cold stare shows annoyance and slight anger. 
I look him directly in the eyes before I break the silence between us.

"You broke him, again." I sigh leaning against the countertop

"This time it wasn't my fault, he forced me to" he defends and this just angers me further

"If you just waited one more day maybe you would know what he told me, you would know more of what he actually went through but once again you were only thinking of yourself." I whisper irritated, I don't want Ethan to hear us, anything could happen then.

Chris doesn't say anything for a minute and I can see him getting more annoyed, probably at the fact that I know something about Ethan he doesn't. That Ethan entrusted something so personal with me and not him, I can see the jealousy bubbling up inside him but he tries to hide it with what he says next:

"I'm sick of him always expecting me to wait for him, I'm so sick of him shutting me out and just expecting me to be there for him when he's keeping me in the dark. I'm done with his bullshit." He hisses

"He's tearing himself apart without you, you're the only one that can hold him together. I know you love him so why don't you grow up and act like it. He's your boyfriend, or he was and he thinks that you hate him. You actually made him think that. He needs you so much more than you think. God can't you see? He won't even come out of his room because he's so upset and he doesn't want to disappoint you any further. Shouldn't you of all people know that disappointing people is his biggest fear? That he overthinks everything? How is he supposed to believe anything you said and will say to him because now he's going to think he's a disappointment no matter what, no, he already thought that and what you think, say and do means everything to him. So congratulations Chris you managed to make him hate himself even more, well done."

He then storms out the room.

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