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Chris' point of view:

We have most of the songs recorded and finished completely ready to go on our next album, all of our vocals have improved and our sound is completely different now I hope the fans are going to love it as much as we do. We're planning on releasing it in December, we could this month but we don't want it to be too close to Ethan's birthday because we'll have too much going on.

"Hey Eth" I nudge Ethan's arm lightly and he looks at me

"Look at all these nice comments on the photo of us" I scroll through the comments and show him some of the good ones.

"There are bad ones too though" he points out

"Well yeah, but them ones don't matter. Who cares what they think about us." I look at him and smile

"Yeah I guess" he looks from the comments to me and smiles too.

"Love you" I peck his lips softly

"Love you too"

"Do you guys wanna do something today?" I look at Ethan and Jakob

"Nah I can't guys sorry, I'm going home today" Jakob gets up "I'll be back later" then he disappears upstairs.

"So," I turn to face Ethan "do you want to do something today?"

"Yes I do" he smiles wide "what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know, wanna go bowling?" I suggest raising an eyebrow

"I suck at bowling" he groans leaning back on the couch and sighing heavily

"Come on it'll be funnnnn" I nudge him lightly and pull a face earning a laugh from Ethan.

"Fine let's go" he rolls his eyes and gets up

"Wait for me" I get up and jump on his back, he stumbles forward a bit and holds my legs "wooo let's gooo"

Ethan carries me outside and I jump down to my feet and wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'll call an Uber" Ethan pulls out his phone. 


Half an hour later Ethan and I are both tying our shoe laces on our bowling shoes.

"I'm prepared to lose" Ethan says standing up

"Come on you might not lose" I chuckle standing up too

"Oh yeah" the sarcasm drips from his voice and he rolls his eyes

"You're first" I watch Ethan pick up a bowling ball and he gives me a look as if he already knows that this will already go terrible and thanks to his terrible bowling skills, it does.

"I told youuuu" he walks over to me and leans against me

"Come on its one go, you still have another one and then you've got heaps more after that" I hold his shoulders and guide him over to all the bowling balls. He picks one up and has his second shot, barely any better than the first.

"Your turnnnn" he walks over and sits down at the table

I pick up a bowling ball and have my first turn, knocking most of the pins down, my second turn gets me a spare.

"Good job"

"Thank you baby" I walk over and kiss him, he smiles "it's your turn again"

"Let's just hope this one is better" he stands up and picks up the bowling ball he was using before.

"Fingers crossed" I cross my fingers and hold them up, Ethan shakes his head and laughs.

Surprisingly, he gets a strike.

"I gOt a sTriKe" he runs over with a massive smile on his face

"I saw" I smile and stand up

"This is a first" he looks up at the scores on the TV. "Chris I'm winning"


"Chris you don't even understand I suck at bowling." He says, his eyes shining with happiness.

"Yes I know"

"This is the first step to winning" he sits down at the table again.

"Hmm we'll see" I pick up my bowling ball. I do not get a strike.

"Aw damn that's bad luck" Ethan's voice comes from behind me.

"Hey you're still winning" I turn around and almost crash right into Ethan. "Woah"

"Sorry" he takes a step back and smiles at me


Ethan went on to win the game and I didn't have the guts to tell him that after seeing him so happy about getting a strike and being in the lead that I let him win.

"Wanna play some arcade games?" He asks after we've given back out bowling shoes.

"Come on" I take his hand and we walk over to all the arcade games "what do you want to play first?"

"I bet I can beat you at air hockey" he declares running over to the air hockey machine and putting in a dollar. I shake my head and walk over to stand on the other side of the machine. Ethan starts with the puck on his side and for a good thirty seconds I'm able to defend my goal, and then I'm not and Ethan gets a point.

"Hahaha I told you" he smirks and I put the puck back onto the table, on my side this time.

"Don't get too cocky, Karpathy" I hit the puck and it goes straight into Ethan's goal, one point to me. Distracting Ethan really does work.

"Hey that's not fair I wasn't ready!"

"Too late, there's only two minutes left for you to redeem yourself." I smile and we start playing again.

The puck continues to go back and forth, back and forth with goal after goal until finally the game ends with me coming out as the winner.

"Shit" Ethan curses

"I guess you didn't beat me after all" I smirk

"My winning streak is overrrr" he walks over to me

"Hey there's plenty of stuff you can still win, let's play Pac-Man" I drag him over to the Pac-Man machine and put two dollars in.

Ethan smiles and presses play. I stand back and watch as the bright colours of the game reflect onto his face and light it up more than it already is. I pull out my phone and step back further opening my camera app and taking a photo of him. I then open snapchat and upload the photo onto my story from my camera roll.

"Okay so," Ethan turns to face me "I won one game and lost two of them"

"That still counts as a win to me" I smile and pull him into a hug, he hugs me back and for a moment we just stand there in the middle of the arcade. When we pull away I pull Ethan over to the basketball game.

"I think I'll just watch you this time" Ethan says leaning against the side of the machine watching me.

I pick up a basketball and throw it into the hoop earning myself ten points.

"Woo go Chris" Ethan cheers me on from the side and I chuckle shooting another ball into the hoop. Then another and another until finally when the minute the game had given me is up and I have over 100 points.

"Look over 100 means I get a prize" I point to the sign and show Ethan.

"Oooh cool" Ethan walks over to me and I take his hand and we walk over to the counter and I tell them of my win over at the basketball machine.

I get a stuffed bear toy and as soon as the worker hands it to me I hand it to Ethan.

"For you my love, a bear for my Bear"

He smiles wide and takes it from me.

"Thank you very much"

A/N: I almost don't hate this

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