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Chris' point of view:

"Eth are you almost ready?" I open his door as he does the up the last button on his shirt

"Yep" he smiles walking towards me

"Let's go then" I smile taking his hand and pulling him with me out the room and down the stairs

We get a taxi there and by then Ethan has explained to me that it's one of his friends' party, Ben. I don't know how big it's supposed to be exactly but if it's a 16th birthday then it has to be pretty big. I just hope it's not more than Ethan can handle. I'm not entirely sure if any of his friends know about us, little own that he's gay. I don't think he wants to tell them at all if I'm honest, not after what happened with his parents.

"Chris come on, we're here" Ethan brings me out of my thoughts as he gets out of the taxi, I quickly pay the driver and get out also.

We stand on the curb for a few seconds staring at the house, the music is blaring and there are disco lights seeping through the cracks in the curtains, all mixed with the conversations of people.

"They don't know about us do they?" I have to ask, the last thing I want is to say and do the wrong thing.

"No." He answers starting to walk up the driveway

I quickly join him and he pushes the front door open further than it was and we step inside. Immediately the smell of alcohol hits me and the blaring music blocks out any other noise. I stay close to Ethan and we push our way through the crush of people, we somehow manage to find Ben in the sea of people and I stand back while Ethan greets him, then I step forward and do the same.

"Thanks for coming" Ben shouts over the music, blocking one ear to hear better. It also happened to be the hand his cup is in and half of its contents spill out, I assume it's some kind of alcohol.

Ethan shouts something back that I can't hear and starts to push through the people again, I follow him through the crowd until we find the drink table.

There's a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see a girl only a little bit shorter than me with mid length brown hair looking up at me.

"Would it be too much to ask if I could get a photo?" She shouts bringing her phone into view, I nod with a smile and she quickly stands in front of me holding her phone up. She takes the picture and thanks me before disappearing.

I turn back around to see Ethan gone. I was only talking to that girl for a few minutes and he's gone? Did he leave before or during me talking to her?

I turn around in a full circle trying to scan the crowd of people for any sign of Ethan, but there isn't one. I leave the drink table and decide to search other places for him, he couldn't have gone too far. I definitely know he wouldn't have left the house.

After doing laps of the entire house and the backyard with still no sign of Ethan I'm trying my hardest not to panic. There's got to be somewhere I haven't looked right?

I push through the incredibly small hallway and stop at the foot of the stairs. I didn't want to go up because there seemed to be too many people up there anyway, but now the amount has died down and I can at least climb the stairs.

Who would have thought Ben knew this many people?

I check all of the upstairs rooms with still no sign of Ethan, needing a relief from everything I enter the only room I had yet to check: the bathroom.

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now