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Chris' point of view:

"Chris" Ethan shakes me

"Hmm huh?" I open my eyes and look at him

"You fell asleep. The movie finished." He tilts his head and smiles at me

"Oh what?" I sit up and rub my eyes

"I would have let you sleep but I can't drive without an adult"

"No it's okay, I can't believe I fell asleep," I look around to find that Ethan has packed everything up, he just needed to wake me up in order for us to leave. "Sorry"

"It's okay, you're cute" he smiles and climbs out of the boot brushing crumbs off his pants.

I smile and sit up doing the same, Ethan closes the boot and smiles at me.

We get in the car and I starts driving home.

"For the most part I think the
bits of the movie that I did see were good"

Ethan laughs "Oh yeah that's so good"

I brush off his comment and smile, "So how'd you like the movie then smarty pants"

"I liked it, it was good"

"Good I'm glad"

The rest of the car trip is mostly silent, it's pretty late by now and I know that when we get home we're probably going to go straight to bed, or maybe Jakob will be up.

When we do get home the house is dark and quiet, Jakob isn't up.

"Shhh we gotta be quiet" Ethan hushes me when I close the front door

"Alright, alright" I kick off my shoes and so does he

The next 20 minutes we spend putting everything we took to the drive in away. When we're finished Ethan takes my hand and we walk upstairs to my room.

"Tonight was actually really fun" Ethan sits on the edge of the bed and I stand in front of him.

"Yes it was, despite falling asleep towards the end of the movie I really enjoyed tonight too" I chuckle

"For what it's worth I only have one more thing plan and it's tomorrow night so we have a whole day of nothing again tomorrow" he smiles

I gasp in surprise and laugh

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows

"Yes really" he chuckles and pulls back the covers of my bed and the next thing he does is pull his top over his head.


"Always" he smiles and pulls off his jeans crawling into bed and pulling the covers up.

"Come here" he holds out his arm and I undress too climbing into bed and Ethan smiles "now we can cuddle"

I smile and put an arm over him pulling him closer to me.

"Hey it's your birthday soon"

"I'm getting so oldddd" he laughs softly

"If you're old then what am I?" I stifle a laugh

"You're ancient" he continues to laugh

"How many times do I have to remind you that there's only four months between us mister?" I raise my voice at him and he smiles

"Forever" he raises his eyebrows back at me and smiles.

I sigh "Forever is a very long time you know"

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now