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Chris' point of view:

"Chris?" Ethan says adjusting his position slightly

"What is it Bear?" I ask propping myself back up and paying him my full attention, he looks down and doesn't say anything for a while, like he's thinking of the right thing to say.

"I'm sad." He states finally, looking up at me with his eyes

"Do you want to watch a movie to get your mind off it?" I suggest

"Okay" he says tucking his arms under his chest

"Alright, stay here. I'll be right back" I instruct pulling myself up and exiting the room. I walk down the stairs and into the living room, I turn the light on and walk over to the DVD stand

"How's Ethan?" Jake asks walking into the room also

"He's sad." I sigh crouching down to look at the little movie collection we have

"Oh, well I'm just going to go hang out at the studio for a bit. I'll be back later." He tells me, grabbing his keys from the coffee table and exiting the room as fast as he came, I focus my attention back on he movies in front of me and immediately I spot one of Ethan's favourite movies: Paddington.


I enter Ethan's room and he hasn't moved, I walk over to his little plasma TV in the corner of the room and I put the DVD in.

"What did you pick?" He asks from behind me

"You'll have to find out" I smile, walking over to his bed and sitting beside him. He rolls over onto his back and he's practically lying on top of me, he goes to move away but I stop him by wrapping my arms around his waist. He puts the blanket over the both of us and he relaxes, so I reach for the remote and press play on the movie.

"I love this movie" he smiles when the title shows on the screen and his eyes light up

"And I love you" I tell him, intertwining one of his hands with mine

"Have you ever noticed how perfectly our hands fit together? Or how easily our lips mould together when we kiss? It's amazing how we can make each other happy no matter what, almost like we're soul mates, destined for all these things to happen between us in order for us to appreciate us even more than we already did and I guess I really don't know what I would do without you." He says randomly as he stares at our hands

That's something I've fallen madly in love with about Ethan; he doesn't talk much, but when he does, he'll say the most amazing and extraordinary things that will either blow your mind or make your heart flutter and melt. That's the thing with Ethan, though. He has all these bottled up emotions and suppressed thoughts because there's so much going on in his mind, sometimes it's too much and he feels the need to let it out in one way or another. Other times he could be talking about the most simplest thing but still manage to make it sound like a poetic work of art.

"You're so beautiful and I want more than anything for you to see that" I tell him tightening my grip on his waist just a little bit

"I'm still insisting that you're going crazy" he chuckles

"Ethan," I start "can you tell me something?"

"That depends" he replies moving off me, probably sensing a serious topic

"You have told me everything Jeremy did to you, right?" I ask, trying to word it in the best way possible

"Y-yeah I have" he stutters and I can tell he's nervous by that, which also means he probably hasn't told me everything

I don't even mind if he's not telling me the truth, I know he'll tell me if he really wants to and for all I know whatever happened could be the worst thing that happened to him and it might be the hardest to talk about. I'm not going to push him to tell me, this is one of the rare times now days where he isn't crying or staring at the wall with glazed eyes, and I don't want to ruin that. That's the last thing I want, I just don't understand how in a matter of mere months he's gone from completely confident and sure of himself to completely broken and insecure. One thing I do know is: he's an amazing actor.

"It seems like whenever I'm happy or having a nice day something bad happens and I'm back to square one all over again, and I hate it." He mumbles leaning on my arm

"Me too, but I guess that's just life and you have to appreciate whatever bit of happiness you can get."

A/N: hey so I know this is boring and I haven't updated in ages and this is short but pls forgive meh

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