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Chris' point of view:

"Chris, stop!" Ethan whines laughing a little as he covers his face with the sleeves of his jumper falling into a lying position on my bed.

"Please, just one photo" I try to reason, holding my camera up and focusing it on him

"No, I'm ugly" he says lying on his side and bringing his legs up to his chest

"I happen to think you look extremely cute, it's just one photo please?" I tell him, this time earning a sigh as he moves his hands down but only just so his eyes are visible, the rest of his face is covered by his balled fists.

He looks up at the camera only with his eyes and I immediately take the photo. 

I look at the photo and smile in admiration, he's so adorable.

"Chris you posted it on Instagram!" Ethan gasps looking down at his phone

"I'm just as surprised that you have my post notifications on" I smirk

He looks back down at his phone blushing but still looking slightly alarmed

"Please take it down Chris," he says anxiously watching the comment section

"Why don't you like it?" I ask edging closer until my hip is against his

"B-ecause, it's a bad angle," he stutters "and I'm ugly, and fat" his voice gets quieter with each word and he probably didn't intend on me to hear the last part, but I did.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll take it down" I say kissing his temple and letting him watch me delete it.

He breathes out a sigh of relief and he rests his head on my shoulder

"I'm sorry, I know I can be annoying" he says quietly

"You're perfect"

"Oh, shut up" he laughs slapping me with the sleeve of his jumper playfully

"You are, and I'm going to keep telling you that until you believe me" I tell him firmly

"Whatever" he sasses and I know that he rolled his eyes

"I love you a lot you know?" I remind him

"I know," he sits up to look at me "I love you more"

"Sure, sure" I smirk

I lean forward and connect my lips with his kissing him softly, I pull away before he can kiss back and I climb off the bed looking down at him smiling and his eyes send me into a kind of trance.

"Should we tell them?" I ask finally breaking out of it, the atmosphere changes dramatically when he nods.

The walk from my room and down the stairs seems to go too fast for my liking because Ethan and I are both standing in the hallway that connects to the living room.

"Are you 100% sure you're ready to do this?" I whisper to Ethan

"Yes." He nods trying to make himself look that little bit more presentable as he fixes his jumper

"You look fine," I reassure him once more, I take a deep breath in as I glance into the living room seeing my parents already seated on one of the couches "it's now or never"

We walk into the living room and we both take a seat across from my parents.

My heart is pounding in my chest and I can almost hear it ringing in my ears as many possibilities and outcomes this conversation we're about to have could lead to.

"Mum, dad," I break the silence eventually, looking between the both of them "Ethan and I have something to tell you"

"Okay, is everything okay?" Mum asks looking at the both of us furrowing her eyebrows, she leans forward in anticipation waiting for one of us to speak up.

I had practiced this conversation thousands and thousands of times in my head trying to find the right thing to say to them when the time came, and I thought I had it figured out.

But I guess I was wrong because as seconds pass the tension begins to rise and I start to get more nervous.

After what feels like years I'm finally able to get the words out that I've been wanting to tell them for so long.

"Well mum, dad. I'm gay... and Ethan and I, we're dating" I let out let out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding in and I take this as an opportunity to look at Ethan.

He's looking directly at my parents and he looks more nervous than I am.
I must admit I am a little bit nervous at what their reaction may be.

Ethan's hand finds mine and he squeezes it for both reassurance and comfort.

"That's wonderful" mum beams smiling widely at both of us

"Good job son" dad smiles equally as big

Relief washes over me and I find myself smiling back at them.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug and it takes me a few seconds to realise it's Ethan and that's when I hug him back tight.

"You were right" he whispers happily before he pulls away looking down and playing with his jumper sleeves blushing, probably realising my parents know it's mine.

We turn our attention back to them and mum speaks up

"Now boys, we're having a guest over for dinner and they should be here shortly, but I would like to talk more about this tomorrow" she smiles standing from the couch and disappearing into the kitchen, I quickly get up and follow her to see that she has already returned to preparing dinner.

"I'm so proud of you" she stops whatever she's doing and engulfs me in a massive hug

"Thank you so much" I say happily

"I already think you're cute together, he's a nice boy" she compliments and I instantly smile; he's my boy

I hear the doorbell ring throughout the house and I walk back into the living room to see Ethan and my dad engrossed in a conversation about something.

He smiles when he sees me, he gets up and walks over to me entwining his fingers with mine.

We join my parents as they now stand at the door, mum puts on a smile opening the door to reveal our dinner guest.

Barely Breathing//EthisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat