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Chris' point of view:

Ethan springs up taking me by surprise when he tackles me causing me to fall off the bed and us both to hit the ground with a thud. He reaches for my phone but I quickly pull it away and wriggle out from under him, I scramble to my feet and run from the room, heavy footsteps behind me tell me that he's chasing after me.

"Chris!" He yells with a hint of annoyance in his voice

"Ethan!" I yell back laughing, I run down the stairs and into the living room "hey Jake!" I say quickly as I leap onto the couch and jump over him

"Hey Jake!" Ethan says the same as I did, I continue to run into the kitchen stopping at one end of the dining table and Ethan stopping at the other.

"You're really fast" I note puffing

"Took up track after the sing offs" he huffs not seeming too fazed

"I didn't know that" I reply starting to regain my breath

"There's a lot of things you don't know." He runs around the table and grips the back of my shirt as I try to run away, he pulls me back and tries to take my phone off me but I hold it above my head out of his reach.
He places a hand on the back of my neck and crashes his lips onto mine standing on his toes so it's easier. Without realising I slowly lower my arm and that's when he snatches my phone pulling away from the kiss and turning his back on me. He swiftly runs a little forward and unlocks my phone deleting the photo.

"Hey that's not fair" I protest

"Don't talk to me about fair." He snaps walking out of the room, I sigh following him.

He's sat on the couch huddled in on the edge, Jakob no where to be seen. He shivering lightly, I jog upstairs and grab one of my jumpers from my room and jog back down into the living room

"Here." I hand it to him, he smiles a thank you and pulls it over his head. "Let's watch a movie" I suggest, he nods as I walk over to the stack of DVDs next to the TV

"Can we watch Toy Story?" He asks quietly sounding a little embarrassed at the movie choice

"Of course" I smile putting it in the player, I walk back over to the couch and sit next to him pressing play. I adjust my position so I'm half sitting and half lying down. He crawls onto my lap and lies down with me, resting his head on my chest. He rests one of his hands next to his face, he's got part of the sleeve balled up in his fist and he's looking up at me.

We go back to watching the movie for a while but I eventually need to get a drink, I start shifting over slowly but Ethan stops me

He says "Babe stay, stay"

He's never called me that before and it sends a tingly feeling through my body, this must be how he feels when I call   him nicknames. 

"I love you so much" he smiles up at me

"I love you too bub" I smile running a hand through his hair and playing with it, he hums closing his eyes briefly obviously enjoying the feeling.

"It never gets old, hearing you say that. You're finally saying it back and that makes me so happy" he says looking away

"When did you tell me you loved me before a couple of months ago?" I question

"I used to all the time, in my head that is." He blushes

"You're so cute when you think you're not being cute" I chuckle

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes turning back to the movie

Halfway through the movie I notice that Ethan's having trouble keeping his eyes open and soon he stops fighting the sleep and he keeps his eyes closed.

I take out my phone and quietly take a photo of him making sure he doesn't hear it this time. I take it from the perfect angle that if someone were to see it they wouldn't know that he is in fact lying on top of me which is good because I immediately post it to Instagram captioning it:

"He couldn't make it to the end of the movie"

Instantly I start to get a flood of likes and comments saying a variety of things like, "I love you" "this is cute" and "ethis"

They all make me smile because I know their all true, I know they love me and I couldn't be any more grateful because we have got so much support for us. If only they knew how real Ethis really is; that we have little cute moments like right now, that we kiss on a daily basis and that we spend nearly all of our time together.

A few months ago I could never imagine that my life would be like this; that the band would be this successful, that I would be dating Ethan, of all people and that I would be this deeply and madly in love with him.

Eventually I start to feel drowsy and I decide it's probably best that both Ethan and I went to bed properly. I carry him in my arms up the stairs, being careful not to wake him.
After a little bit of a struggle I manage to get him into his bed. I climb in the other side and check my phone one more time.
There are only a few new comments so I quickly read through them, they're all like the ones before, except the last one.

By the username I instantly know who it is; Jeremy. But I read the comment anyway.

"He could never make it to the end of anything with me either."

I delete the photo.

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