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Chris' point of view:

I don't go after Ethan straight away, I wait until I know that Owen and Jakob are both too involved in their conversation to notice my absence.

I jog to the bathroom and don't bother knocking on the door, I open the door and the smell is the first thing that hits me. Ethan's still throwing up, I know this could be a delicate situation so I approach him slowly.

I walk towards him and kneel beside the toilet, looking at him. He leans back and looks up at the ceiling, closing his eyes. A tear slides down his cheek and I reach over and wipe it with my index finger, it lingers there and I quickly retract it.

"He's taken everything from me, I can't even eat."

"I'm still here" I remind him

He pushes himself up and flushes the toilet, I stand up also as he starts to wash his hands. He quickly dries them and picks up his toothbrush, he picks up the toothpaste and tries to squeeze it onto his toothbrush, failing. He starts to get frustrated and this leads to more tears.

"Here." I say taking it from him and squeezing the toothpaste onto his toothbrush with ease.

He brushes his teeth and puts everything back where it should be.

Ethan pushes himself up onto the counter and I stand in front of him.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly resting my forehead on his, he nods slightly and sighs

He moves his arms around my neck and I instinctively pick him up and place my hands under legs. He wraps his legs around my waist and rests his cheek on my shoulder. I carry him out the bathroom and into his room

"You know we have to go to the studio today don't you?" I remind him as I stand in front of his full view mirror

"Yeah, I know" he says

"Hey you know this is a perfect photo opportunity" I smirk knowing he probably just rolled his eyes

"Oh yeah, an 'my boyfriend just had a tiny break down and threw up but now we're taking photos' photo opportunity" he groans burying his head into my neck

"We look cute, you look cute. I want to remember this." I argue pulling out my phone and pulling up the camera app, I quickly snap a photo of us, keeping one hand under Ethan's leg so he doesn't have to hold himself up completely.


We go silent after that.

I walk over to his bed and place him down, I walk over to is wardrobe and pull both the double doors open. I pick up his black converse and hold them up as if asking if he wants to wear them, he nods.

I bring them over to him and wait for him to put them on.

He stands up and we walkout of his room and downstairs again.

Owen and Jakob are ready too so we all leave for the studio.

Jakob decides to sit in the passenger seat letting Ethan and I sit in the back together. No one says much on the way there, I think we're all just trying to get into the right mindset to start recording all the songs. We've actually written all the songs we plan to put on the EP and the covers are already pretty good so all we have to do is record, if we can.

We arrive at the studio and immediately start to set everything up. James doesn't seem to be here yet, that's good. We can delay any arguments until then.

Jakob's first up in the booth, we're recording 'Honest' first. Seeing as though it's the track we plan to release as our first single.

Ethan and I are both sitting around the table, on the other side of the soundproof glass. Owen is with Jakob. Everything was going smoothly until James showed up, bursting through the door and almost hitting me with his bag when he aimlessly threw it in the direction of a chair.

"Watch it" I snap not even having the slightest bit of patience with him, he hurt Ethan and I won't forgive him for that.

He ignores me and sits down across from me and beside Ethan.

"Nice shirt" he says looking at Ethan

I glance at Ethan and see he's noticeably straightened his posture. Noticing this too, James continues:

"So Ethan, met any nice producers lately?" He asks

"James." I warn

"Don't be so uptight Chris! Ethan and I can joke about it now, right Etho?"

Ethan keeps his head down.

"Does it look like he wants to joke to you?!"

"Calm down Chris, it's almost like you're in love with him" he retaliates staring me down

I sink down in my chair resisting the urge to admit it to him.

"Just fucking leave him alone" I mumble under my breath

A silence falls over us and Jakob walks into the room.

"Chris you're up" Jakob smiles at me and he takes my seat as I stand up

I walk into the recording part of the studio and Owen greets me.

"Alright Chris, we're going to start from your solo and then try some of the back up vocals okay?" He tells me, handing me a set of earphones, I put them on and clear my throat trying to forget about the argument that just took place.

The backing track begins to play and I let the music consume me.

"I hope you find out what's been missin'
I hope you get the chance to find yourself again.
I hope you get the chance to leave him, oh
I hope you see that in time you question every tear that you spared"

I step back and Owen gives me a thumbs up.


"No stop! Shut up!"

I turn my head and look through the glass to see Ethan standing from his chair staring at James, Jakob is no where to be seen.

I take off the headphones and carefully place them down before I push the door open and rush to Ethan, restraining him from hitting James like I can see he was planning to.

"Ethan" I place a hand on his shoulder

"God you two, you're not gay too are you Chris?"

I slap him.

He stumbles back in shock and brings his hand up to hold his cheek. He clenches his jaw and sits back down.

"Alright well" Owen walks into the room clasping his hands together "Ethan are you ready?"

Ethan nods and brushes past me walking with Owen back into the recording room.

I sit down and Jakob enters the room.

He sits down also and no one talks, Jakob is on his phone and so it James. I'm listening to Ethan singing, though.

Ethan's phone buzzes constantly from the table and I pick it up.

Message: 109 images attached.

A/N: my cat is smothering me send help

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