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Chris' point of view:

"Bear." I whisper kissing his forehead

"Babe." He says sleepily into my chest

"I think someone's coming, I have to get up" I say pulling back the covers and standing up

"No." He groans stretching his arm out and reaching out to me

I tilt my head and smile at him.

I turn around and walk over to the makeshift bed on the other side of the room. I try to make it look like I've been here all night by messing up the covers a little bit.

The door opens and a nurse walks in carrying a tray of food. She sets it down on the table and walks out without a word. I stand up and walk back over to Ethan.


"No." He says pulling the covers over his head

"You have to get up." I persist

"I need my clothes" he says peeking his head out

I turn around and pick up his clothes and hand them to him.

I pick up the tray with his breakfast on it as he gets dressed.

Ethan groans.

"You're going to eat." I tell him sternly placing the tray with his breakfast on his knee

"Scrambled eggs." He says looking down at the food, I sit down beside him.

He picks up the fork and I can't ignore how weary he seems.

"You have to eat Bub" I coax him with a kiss on the cheek

He sighs and scoops a tiny bit onto his spoon.

"Have I mentioned how much I really hate this?" He turns his head and looks into my eyes

"You have. Stop stalling and eat."

He huffs and eats the small portion on his spoon.

I kiss his cheek again.

"Every time you finish a mouthful you get a kiss, deal?"

He nods and a small smile creeps onto his face and he scoops up the next mouthful onto his spoon.

"You have to kiss meee" he smiles, with a mouthful of food

"You have to swallow it first" I smile back, he swallows it and opens his mouth sticking his tongue out to show me. He pouts his lips and leans towards me slowly, I kiss him.

He turns back to his food and scoops more onto his spoon.

"I hope you know the only reason I'm eating it is because I get kisses, it tastes disgusting." He tells me as he puts the next spoonful in his mouth

"You're doing good so far."

"Yeah, yeah" he rolls his eyes eating another spoonful

When he's eaten around half I can tell that he probably can't eat any more. He puts down the fork and closes his eyes for a second.

I lean forward and plant a soft kiss behind his ear.

"I'm proud of you." I whisper, he smiles

Barely Breathing//EthisWhere stories live. Discover now