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Chris' point of view:

"The cookies are ready!" Jakob yells taking the tray carefully out the oven and placing it on the bench, I lean forward and rest my elbows on the bench getting a better look at them. They don't look the best but for three people that have never baked cookies before I'd say they look pretty good.

"They look hot" Ethan mumbles, I turn my head looking at him to see him already looking at me

"Why don't you try one then?" I suggest, picking a cookie up and holding it out to him.

He leans down copying my actions by resting his elbows, he takes it from me and takes a bite, not breaking the eye contact.

"It is hot." He concludes with a small nod

"You guys are cute," Jakob says from beside me "but you should get a room"

I look at him to see him already eating a cookie and smirking at Ethan and I. I roll my eyes at him and look back at Ethan, he holds his cookie out to me and I lean over more to take a bite nodding an approval, they don't taste that bad.

"Damn, you're even sharing food" Jakob laughs

"Oh, shut up." I roll my eyes at him yet again

"Fine then, I'll just have all the cookies" he says pulling the tray closer to him

"Hey!" Ethan frowns pulling the tray back "what did I ever do to you?"

"We have another session in the studio tomorrow." Jakob tells us, changing the subject and making the atmosphere drop dramatically.

"You sure you'll be up for it?" I whisper to Ethan

"Gotta face everyone eventually, might as well be tomorrow." He replies finishing the cookie he was eating

"They might not know" I try to give him a little bit of hope but he just shakes his head

"Everyone I'm close to or working with was sent a link apparently."

"That doesn't mean they'd watch it," I continue, standing up normally now, he nods looking away "hey, it's going to be okay"

He stands up and throws his arms around my torso, I wrap my own around his neck and hold him tight.

"Am I missing something here?" Jakob asks confused

"Um- well, uh-" Ethan stutters unable to get the words out

"There's a video from the sing offs and it's been uploaded to a website." I tell him

"A full length video" Ethan adds quietly

"Oh." Is all Jakob says

"Now, the fans know, Owen knows a-" I cut Ethan off by grabbing his shoulders, he shuts his mouth and stops talking then.

"Well I think I'm going to go write some more of my solo." Jakob says breaking the awkward silence

"Okay," Ethan says finally pulling away from the hug, all the energy he had minutes ago seems to fade away and the haziness in his eyes returns "I guess I should go to my room or something"

I follow him out the kitchen and up the stairs, neither of us saying a word. He walks past his room and into mine, I smile to myself taking pleasure in the simple fact he's going to my room and not his.

I watch him wrap himself in the covers of my bed before sighing

"What are you doing?" I ask smiling at him

"It smells like you, I like you." He states pulling the covers further over him

"I am right here you know" I chuckle walking over to him and sitting on the edge of my bed and shuffling back to lean against the bedhead

"I know" he smiles leaning into my side, he continues to move around trying to find the comfiest position until eventually he gives up and rests his head on my lap. I begin to play with his hair running my fingers through it

"Talk to me, Eth" I say quietly and his eyes meet mine

"I'm scared of what everyone will say, I can handle hate better because they don't know what they're talking about. But now they have something so personal and they can say whatever they want about it." He mumbles

"It's okay, don't focus on the hate, focus on the support; I'm sure there's plenty of that."

"Yeah you're right, but what if something bad happens? What if Jeremy does something else? What if the fans treat me differently?" he says beginning to ramble and worry

"It'll be okay, we're going to the police on Sunday and everything will be sorted out." I reassure him

"Thank you, I mean it. Thank you so much" he murmurs looking back up at me

"You're so adorable" I watch his eyes light up at the compliment and he smiles

"Let's go get more cookies" I suggest and he obviously agrees because he stands up and I get up and follow him out my room.

We enter the kitchen and sit on the bar stools at the counter, the tray of cookies still where we all left it. I slide it across so it's closer to us and I pick one up; getting an idea.

"Let's play a game," I say "I ask you questions and every time I get something right you take a bite, when I don't, you don't do anything." I explain

He nods for me to start but he still looks a little weary.

"Okay," I decide to start off with something easy "do you love me?"

He takes a bite.

"You hate sleeping alone." I state and he smiles shyly but takes a bite anyway

"The last time you had a nightmare was a few weeks ago?" I continue, he doesn't take a bite this time.

"Your nightmare was about the sing offs?" I ask finishing my cookie

Much to my surprise he doesn't take a bite this time.

"You blame yourself." I state and he takes a bite confirming my statement, neither of us say anything for a moment until I think of a new question to ask

"You don't want to tell me everything because you feel like it will make me think less of you?" I finally ask him, he doesn't do anything for a few seconds and I thought he wouldn't until I see  he looks puzzled at the very suggestion and after thinking about it, he takes a bite.

"Something did happen on The Voice Kids Tour?"

His whole expression changes and he puts the remainder of his cookie down.

"I don't want to play anymore." He says standing up from the stool and walking out the kitchen.

He didn't answer my question but in not answering and instead refusing to answer, he confirmed it anyway.

A/N: this is extremely boring and we like most of my updates lately but it's going to geT MORE INTERESTING SOON

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