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Ethan's point of view:

My head is still laying on Chris' lap and I'm not exactly asleep, I'm more in the state where I'm almost asleep but I'm still aware of my surroundings.

Chris is still playing with my hair and he's talking with Jakob.

"Do you know his password?" Jakob asks

"No. He changed it." Chris whispers back

"I want to see the photos James is sending him, I want to help him you know?" Jakob says

They can't help me. No one can.

"It makes me sad that he sees all this as normal now, he hardly seems fazed by it all and it makes me so sad to know that my baby is treated like this." Chris whispers back, he stops playing with my hair for a second and his fingers brush against my cheek.

They don't say anything for a minute and I can't help but feel guilty.

"I'm going home today, only for a few hours. I just want to spend as much time at home as possible right now."

Thank god they aren't talking about me anymore.

"Yeah that's cool, take as much time as you need to" Chris replies

"What do you think you and Ethan will do for the rest of the day?" Jakob asks

"I don't know it's only 1pm, I think I might go to the beach but I don't know if Ethan will want to come" Chris explains

He's got that right, I don't want to come.

"Well if it's alright with you then I think I'll be heading off." Jakob says, then I hear movement and I assume he's getting up and leaving the room.

Chris doesn't say or do anything for a few minutes.

"Bub," he whispers running a hand through my hair again "Bub wake up"

I squint my eyes open and look up at him, I smile sleepily at him.

"Do you want to come to the beach with me?" He asks

"No, it's okay. I'll just stay here"

I sit up and pull myself to my feet using my bed as support, Chris stands up also and leaves the room before I do.

I walk out my room and knock on Jakob's door, hoping that he hasn't left yet. He opens the door and let's me inside.

"Can we talk?" I ask turning to face him

"Yeah, but make it quick because I have to go home. Mum will be here in like five minutes." He says putting on his shoes

"No Jakob I need to talk to you." I try again

"Can't it wait until I get back? This is really important." He says standing up and looking at me

"Right, of course." I sigh and I feel my shoulders slouch

"Okay well, I think Mum is here. I'll talk to you later yeah?"

I quickly pull him into a hug and hold onto him tight, taking him by surprise. "I love you Jakob."

"You too" he says pulling away, I let him walk away this time.

I take a step back and turn to look at his room, really take it in, smell and all. I've always liked Jakob's room.

I slowly leave Jakob's room and close the door behind me. I walk down the hall and into Chris' room just as he's pulling his board shorts on

"I'm proud of you for being able to look at your scars." I smile noticing he doesn't have a shirt on either

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