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Chris' point of view:

"Chris," Ethan whispers "I'm so sorry for leaving"

"We're together now" I reply and he moves his position and sits in between my legs.

I reach out and take his hand in mine, I try not to look at the cuts for too long because I know that it will probably make him uncomfortable. He sighs and leans his head back resting it on my chest.

"Talk to me Babyboy, please"

"Do we really have to go to the police?" He asks quietly, hoping that we don't have to

"Yes we do, he needs to be locked up. I don't want him to have even a chance to do what he did to you to anyone else." I tell him honestly, loosening my grip on him slightly

"It's only me," he sighs closing his eyes briefly "he said it was only me"

"Well, we still have to go to the police. It's going to be okay, I'll be there with you every step of the way" I tell him resting my head on his.

"Promise?" He holds out his pinky

"Promise." I join mine with his and kiss the top of his head

"Can we go home?" He asks eventually, moving off me and standing up

"Sure, do you have to tell Lara?" I stand up and join him

He's already starting to walk up the stairs by now so he doesn't answer my question. I skip a few steps to catch up and I almost trip over on the last step but thankfully Ethan catches me.

"Be careful Baby," he smiles warmly, a no-teeth smile "I'll call her when we get home" he answers my question now.

We continue into the guest room and I sit on the bed watching him walk around the room gathering all his things.

Even doing the most simplest of things he still manages to leave me in complete awe of his beauty. He pulls on one of my jumpers, not bothering with a shirt and he continues to pick up the rest of his clothes all with a neutral yet determined look on his face.

He brings his clothes over and drops them all beside me on the bed. He seems tense, I reach up and kiss his jaw lightly

"It's going to be okay, you've got me." I whisper, standing up and helping him fold his clothes.

"Most of this is mine, you know that right?" I half laugh putting one of the tops into his bag

"Sorry, I-"

"Ethan it's fine" I reassure him with a smile, a look of relief washes over him and he returns to folding and packing clothes.

"I think that's it." He zips up the bag with a sigh

"You're not wearing shoes" I point out staring down at his bare feet

He looks down also and walks over to the doorway quickly slipping on his shoes, I sling the bag over my shoulder and walk over to him.

"Here." I carefully put one of his beanies on his head and I fix his hair

"It gives me beanie hair" he whines stomping away

"I love your beanie hair" I chase after him, making sure to close the door behind me.

We lock the front door and walk down the driveway. We walk home in silence but it's comfortable, anything is comfortable with Ethan.

When we get home it doesn't look like Jakob is home, just us two. I follow him up the stairs and he dumps his bag in his room as well as kicking off his shoes. He proceeds to walk to my room and he sits on my bed

"I've missed this" he hums looking around my room

"I've missed you" I reply walking over and sitting next to him

"I've missed your eyes" I tell him and I stare into his eyes longer than usual

"I've missed your cute little button nose" I laugh quietly booping his nose, he laughs too and pushes my hand away lightly

"I've missed your lips and how soft they are" I drop my gaze to his lips and trace them lightly with my finger before I cup his cheek and kiss him.

"I've missed your everything, Baby" he whispers pulling away

I wrap an arm around his stomach and I pull him down with me into a lying position.

"I hate to kill the mood like this but, when do you think we should go to the police?" I know it's a stupid question to ask because I know he doesn't want to at all but I'd rather give him a choice then forcing him

"Um, Friday?" He suggests snuggling into my chest

"Friday sounds good" I nod

"Chris," he says quietly "do you think I'm annoying?"

"Why would I ever think that?" I ask, did he seriously just ask me that?

"Because, I already feel disgusting and ugly, might as well add annoying to that too. I'm always so clingy and I guess sometimes I feel annoying that's all." He replies looking away

"Just because you think that you're annoying doesn't mean that you actually are to everyone else. I love you and I'll always love you, I love it when you're clingy too because you know that if you're not clingy, I'm going to be." I tell him, he laughs at the end

"I should call Lara" he sits up and pulls out his phone

"Hey," he greets "yeah, I'm with Chris at home, thank you again... Okay, cool, bye Larzy!"

He hangs up.

"So Bub, what do you want to do now?" I ask sitting up

"Have you watched the video?" He asks randomly

"No, I haven't. I didn't think it would be fair on you" I move next to him and he rests his head on my shoulder

"You are going to have to see it if we go to court with him" he points out

"I know, I'm going to be there for you if we do. Okay?"

"Thank you."

A/N: so this is possibly the worst chapter in the history of fanfiction buT GUYS IM MEETING SO MANY INTERNET FRIENDS TOMORROW AND IM MEETING IN STEREO AFTER 2 YEARS (okay, ethan and chris) IM GOING TO CRY IM SO NOT READY IM SO

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