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Jakob's point of view:

I watch Chris as he grabs his jacket and keys before he slams the front door in anger. He's obviously not coming back for some time and I hope he doesn't, at least not until he's sorted out whatever issues he has.

I slowly make my way back upstairs until I reach Ethan's room, I push the door open and I freeze in the doorway.

Ethan is hunched over in the corner clutching one hand to his chest while the other is rested on his leg.

"Jakob I can't breathe" he wheezes looking up at me, I run over to him and I place a hand on his back

"In and out, deep breaths. Everything is okay" I tell him calmly, I take him carefully downstairs and outside.

He sits down on the steps and neither of us say anything now, I'm really worried about him. Chris just needs to come to his senses, fix the mess he's made and make it up to Ethan.

If Chris and Ethan don't sort out the problems they have with each other then I'm scared that it's going to have an effect on the band. Ethan already doesn't want to leave his room and Chris is so angry that he won't want to step into a recording studio little own record a song.
The fans know that we are writing and recording an EP, we've even released a few sneak peeks and this only means that if we don't actually end up releasing it, there's going to be some serious questions that everyone is going to want answered and Ethan won't want them to know. At least not yet.

I turn my attention back to Ethan and the fresh air seems to have help him because his breathing has now returned back to normal and we both stay silent.

I keep my eyes on him and he doesn't appear to care because he says nothing, I can see him thinking hard and I know exactly what he wants to say, what he wants to know.

"Where's Chris?" He finally asks, just like I knew he would. He keeps his eyes stuck on the road ahead and it's not hard to figure out that he's scared to look at me, and hear whatever I have to say.

"I don't know. We argued, and he left." I tell him as little as possible, he doesn't need to know the details and what was said. It might make things worse.

"I miss him" he says, looking at me now

"I know, you can sort things out if you want to when he gets back. Come on let's go inside."

I stand up and reach out my hand for him to take, I help him to his feet and we both walk inside.

"Do you think he'll forgive me?" he asks quietly, leaning against the wall

"You're not the one that needs to be forgiven"

Chris' point of view:

After storming out on Jakob like that I didn't really know what to do, or where to go. I quickly decided on going to Lara's place, knowing that she will have no knowledge of what's going on therefor I can simply relax in her presence.

I stop outside the front door and start contemplating whether or not I should actually tell her what's going on. Then again I won't be able to tell her this without telling her everything else, and as much as I'm upset with Ethan I would never share his secret without his consent, it didn't go so well last time.

"Hey Lara" I smile at her as she appears at the door

"Hey, what's up?" She asks letting me inside and shutting the door behind us

"Oh, nothing, we just haven't had some time alone together in ages. Why not make a day- night, of it?" I correct myself now noticing that the sun is beginning to set behind us, she replaces her confused glance with a happy one and we finally leave the hallway and make our way to her room.

I don't know what comes over me but as soon as the door clicks shut I spin her around to face me and I crash my lips onto hers. She doesn't protest or show any sign of intending to, I brush my tongue across her lip and she brings her hands up to my hair, lightly tugging on the ends. 

All I'm able to think about is Ethan, more importantly, what he could be doing. Is he crying and shaking like he normally does when he thinks too hard about something that's hurt him? Is he staring blankly at the wall emotionless the way he does when he's finally excepted a situation and it just leaves him numb? Or could he be doing something worse?

I try to ignore the nagging thoughts and I focus on kissing Lara.

It feels kind of weird kissing her, a good kind of weird. I can't help but wonder what's going to happen after this? We've been best friends for years and I don't want this to change anything. I know you don't normally go around kissing your best friend like this but I guess Lara and I have always had that -I love you platonically but if you ever want to be something more than that, I'm totally okay with it- type of friendship, and I guess it's actually happening.

A knock on the door interrupts us and we quickly pull apart as the door opens and her mum enters smiling.

"Chris it's late, would you like to stay the night?" She asks sweetly, I thank her but decline the offer.

I know what I have to do, I have to find a way to save whatever is left of the relationship Ethan and I have. I need to save him.

A/N: I know I haven't updated in ages and that this is really bad but hey, it's something.

I've also started school so I don't know how often I will be able to update but I'll try my best to as much as possible.

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