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Chris' point of view:

"Chris we're going now." Jakob says snapping his fingers in front of my face, I stand and we are all ushered out of the room, but we don't wait for Owen to lock up. Instead we exit the building and wait in the car.

The energy in the car is high and I can't tell whether or not it's because we are now planning our very own EP or the fact that Ethan is finally ready to be with me in a proper relationship.

I follow Jakob and Ethan inside, none of us saying anything to each other.
Ethan and I walk upstairs and I follow him into his room. He turns to face me and I instantly smile pulling him in for a long awaited hug resting my forehead on his shoulder.

"You're ready." I state not able to wipe the smile off my face, pulling away now I can see him smiling too, he lowers his head fidgeting with his hands and I can tell he's blushing.

"So uh I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe go to the movies sometime?" I ask nervously waiting for his answer, a part of me fearing that he'll turn me down.

"Like, like a date?" His head snaps up, I nod biting my lip smiling slightly

"I'd like that" he beams up at me

"Tomorrow night?" I suggest, we do t have anything planned for tomorrow because we're supposed to take the day off and begin writing some new and original material we could use on our EP.

"Perfect." He agrees smiling

"Almost as perfect as you" I tease poking his dimples smirking

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?" He rolls his eyes annoyed but laughing through his nose

"At least one more time before I listen" I reply pecking his lips softly.

"I'm tired" he mumbles practically falling into my arms, I catching him and put one arm under his legs and let the other support his back enabling me to lift him bridal style and carry him. I place him in bed tucking him in with the covers as he nuzzles his head into the pillow sighing sleepily. I turn to leave but he stops me by speaking

"Stay with me." He mumbles reaching an arm out vaguely in my direction. I smile to myself and climb into bed lying next to him, I wrap my arms around him and I pull him into me cherishing this moment we have together.

"I love you" he says softly against my chest

"I love you too" I reply quietly kissing his forehead, I don't think he heard me.

Not long after Ethan falls asleep, my phone begins to ring so I untangle myself from Ethan checking the caller ID to see Lara's face appear on my screen. I exit the room and answer the call immediately hearing loud thumping music coming from her end.

"Chris!" Lara shouts over the music "Chris I'm at a party, people are getting drunk. Can you come get me?" She asks desperately shouting now.

"I'm on my way" I reply, knowing she probably can't hear me so I hang up.

I know exactly where she is, I was in fact, invited to this party too but I decided against going not wanting a repeat of what happened the last time I went to a party, no one wants that. But now it looks like now I'm going to have to go.

I creep down the stairs slipping on my shoes and out the front door.
I silently back the car out from the driveway being extra careful as it's completely dark outside now. I technically don't have my licence yet but I have known how to drive for a while now and I'm planning on going for my learners soon, when I have enough free time.
I park the car around the corner from where the party is not wanting someone to steal it or damage it in any way.

The front door of the house is wide open and there are people everywhere, I can barely hear myself think with the amount of noise going on. Most people are obviously blind drunk.

"Lara!" I yell as loud as I can scanning the room for any sight of her. I move on to another room trying to avoid all the people making out or dancing with each other. I pull out my phone to text Lara, to ask where exactly she is but unfortunately for the both of us, my phone is dead.
I begin walking through the room when I'm stopped by a guy holding a plastic cup up to me, as if he wants me to take it.

"Hey man, you want a drink?" he slurs swinging the cup in front of my face and I get a big whiff of the alcohol it contains.

"Oh, no, I shouldn't." I reply trying to move past him but he steps in front of me again.

"C'mon man just have one drink, it's not gonna hurt you" he persists, I know he won't leave me alone until I have at least some of it, so that's what I do.
I take the cup from his hand and bring it up to my mouth. I take a sip and go to give it back but he tips the cup slightly forcing me to drink more.
I try to ignore the burning sensation as the liquid stings against my throat.

"Don't you feel better now?" He laughs patting my shoulder and I must admit, I do feel better, at ease. I nod smiling at him and he hands me another drink, as if out of no where. I gulp down the liquid once more and the burning sensation starts to fade as my vision begins getting hazy.

I soon get lost in a blur of dancing, partying and drinking until I'm stumbling around blindly looking for another drink forgetting all about Lara and why I even came in the first place.

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