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Chris' point of view:

"They have to be in here somewhere" I continue to rummage through everything in Ethan's wardrobe looking for the nerf guns I know he has.

"It can't be that hard to find them" Jakob says coming to help me look, he manages to knock over everything he touches.

I spot the box Ethan's promise ring was in and as I do, Jakob pushes it aside. It makes this unusual rattling noise and I pick it up. I open it and my heart drops when I see blades inside. My heart sinks even more when I see the bloodstained fabric, I hadn't noticed my hands were trembling until I drop the box. All the blades scatter across the floor catching Jakob's attention, I stay silent.

"At least he doesn't have them with him" Jakob says kneeling down to pick them up. I quickly join him and soon we've collected them all. He takes the ones I picked up from me and hurries out the room. I pick up the box and close it. I place it on Ethan's bedside table with a sigh.

I walk back over to Ethan's wardrobe and continue looking for the nerf guns, I suppress any negative feelings about the blades and try to focus on the task at hand.

I find two small handguns and pick them up.

"Found them!" I shout turning around only to see Jakob appearing in the doorway "oh"

He smirks and takes one from me, I quickly cock the one I still hold and he does the same, running from the room.

Ethan's phone starts to ring and I quickly scramble to get it from my jeans. I glance at the caller ID, the contact name is simply 'Be Happy' the photo is of Ethan and I. Still puzzled by what the contact name means I answer the call.

"Hey, Ethan are you okay? What's going on?" I rush

"Everything's fine Chris. I just, I miss your voice." He says quietly "I'm sorry, I know you're probably busy."

"No, it's okay. You sure you're okay?" I sit down on Ethan's bed and put the nerf gun down also.

"Yeah I'm sure. What are you doing?"

"Me? I'm just hanging out with Jakob." I say, by now Jakob is standing in the doorway once again. He's leaning against the doorway and waiting patiently. He seems to know I'm talking to Ethan, who else would I be talking to?

"Oh.. That's cool. I have to talk to a phycologist soon. I'm kinda scared." There it is.

"You'll be okay."

"What if-"

"No." I cut him off "you're going to be okay, they just want to talk. Just words."

"Can I call you later?" He says after a while, a lot quieter than before.

"Of course, tell me how it goes" I say

"Chris," he says softly "I love you"

I smile, "I love you too"

He hangs up and I put down the phone. Almost immediately Jakob fires a bullet at me. A massive smile spreads across his face and I try to shoot him back. I miss. I leap up from the bed and Jakob is off in a flash, by the time I reach the doorway he's running down the stairs. I fire a bullet after him and I once again miss, the bullet sticking to the wall. His laugh echoes and bounces off the walls

"I'm coming for you Jakob" I reach the bottom of the stairs and he's no where in sight, everything is silent. I tiptoe into the lounge room and still can't find him, I climb on the couch and peer behind it. Found him.

I fire my gun as fast as I possibly can "Gotcha!"

"Do you reckon it'd hurt getting shot this close?" He asks standing up and cocking his gun. "Do you want to find out?"

"Not particularly" I quickly get off the couch and run across the room

"First one to hit the other with the most amount of bullets wins" Jakob explains

"Game on."

He shoots me again. I shoot him back immediately.

I run from the living room and into the kitchen, Jakob of course follows.

I feel a bullet hit me in the back and I know that Jakob's on his last few.

I quickly turn around and fire my gun, I get him in the chest. He shoots right back and the bullet narrowly misses my head and sticks to the fridge.

"I'm all out." He announces coming out from behind where he was taking refuge. "And I guess I win too which means you have to pay for dinner"

"That wasn't par-"

"The winner has spoken!" He shushes me holding a hand in the air, I sigh.

"Pizza?" I suggest, pulling out my phone.

"Pizzaaaaa!" He shouts running from the room. I'll take that as a yes.

I dial the number of the pizza place, preparing the order in my head so I don't mess it up.

After ordering our pizzas I'm told they'll be here in 20 minutes, I hang up. Now Jakob and I just have to kill time until then.

"Jakob, 20 minutes!"

I walk into the living room to find Jakob's sprawled out across the floor.

"Care to join?" He moves over the tiniest bit

I smile and lie down beside him, we're silent.

"Hey you never told us what happened with your grandma, is she okay?" I turn my head to look at him

"Yeah.. Yeah, she's okay. She seems to be getting better. I've only seen her once since we found out and she was pretty sick then. Mum says they're hoping for a full recovery." He sighs still staring up at the roof

"You've only visited her once?" I ask a little surprised

"It would hurt too much to see someone I've constantly looked up to and turned to, look so defeated. I don't know how to explain it and it might sound selfish but it makes sense to me." His head turns to look at me now

"No, no, I understand. I understand completely and I'm sure she'll be okay. You can talk to me too, whenever. I hope you know that." I tell him

The doorbell rings and Jakob jumps up.

Ethan's point of view:

"As your friend informed us, we are aware of some incidents that occurred a few months ago. Because of this we decided to run a few tests and we have discovered something. I'm sorry to have to tell you this Ethan, but you have a sexually transmitted disease." The doctor tells me with a sorry expression.

A/N: honestly I was not even done proof reading a quarter of this and I've given up because it's a piece of shit and I'm cringing. This being said, there will probably be mistakes. I mean cmon, it's me, my whole life is a mistake.

Anywho pls don't kill me.

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