Chapter 12

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Eight o'clock could not have come fast enough. Mimi felt like a cat that had just escaped from a bath. She shoved her feet into her converse and crammed the laces down the sides of the high-tops, because tying them would've taken too much time. Mimi stood up, nearly colliding with Aki's mother as she tried to make it look like she wasn't running out the door.

Mimi hurried along the side streets in Roppongi, which were lined with fancy houses and three-storey apartments. They were tightly packed together in order to use of every free crumb of land. If the buildings had been trees, then Mimi would've been in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, instead of the urban jungle that was Tokyo. She picked up speed to put as much distance between her and the Hisuguya house as possible.

Mimi feared that at any moment she would turn around and see Aki Hisuguya running after her. Just thinking about that perverted boy and his frisky hands made her skin crawl, and put her in a bad mood that was only lifted when she saw her favourite restaurant. Aki had chosen that night to profess his undying love to Mimi and spent most of the night trying to grab her bum. She knew that she was going to have to quit this side job because she couldn't take any more of that boy's antics. It wouldn't be so bad, but the boy is only seventeen and every time he makes a pass at me I feel so dirty, Mimi thought as she hurried toward the sanctuary of the restaurant.

The restaurant was out of the way, just off the main street, and sandwiched between two other buildings. One sold women's lingerie and the other sold used books. It made the location of the small restaurant stick out and Mimi often thought this was what drew people in. They also made the best gyoza Mimi had ever tasted.

For the past six weeks, Mimi had another reason she loved coming to the restaurant on Thursdays. As she entered the small restaurant, she looked around for him. When she didn't see him, she sighed and the cloud of disappointment cast an even longer shadow over her terrible evening.

Mimi's shoulders slumped and trudged to the counter. Her appetite had vanished but still she placed her usual order with the ancient woman, who looked like she should be a museum piece that, was always behind the counter. The old hag smiled but she cast a disapproving gaze at Mimi's posture. Mimi gave another loud sigh and could literally hear the woman silently shouting at her to stand up, walk straight and act like a lady.

Mimi rolled her eyes, turning away and walking over to her usual seat in the corner of the restaurant. It was her favourite spot because it offered the best view of the entire place and Mimi enjoyed to people watch.

Of course he isn't here. And after last week, I doubt he'll ever come back. She bit her lip trying to distract herself from the persistent, nagging itch that had, flared up as she mentally chastised herself for what she did last week.

After weeks of watching him, every time he came into the restaurant, he had chosen the worst moment to talk to her. She had gotten her daily call from her harasser while walking to the restaurant and the vicious of on slot had left her wound up tighter than an eight-day clock. She had managed to compose herself by the time she'd reached the counter and placed her order. However her hands refused to stop shaking and she had to focus all her concentration on not spilling her drink on the way to her usual table. Unfortunately her mystery man had chosen that moment to walk up behind her and start speaking to her. Mimi hadn't heard him and continued walking towards the corner of the restaurant.

He put his hand on her shoulder to get her attention. It made Mimi jump, causing her to spill her sticky match red bean smoothie all over his expensive Berluti shoes. After apologising profusely, she tried to clean off his shoes with a wad of napkins and then ran away in complete humiliation. Mimi didn't bother stopping as he shouted after her that it wasn't her fault and he wasn't angry.

Deep in thought when her food came Mimi didn't notice the small restaurant starting to fill up with people. And spent the next five minutes pushing her food round the plate lost in thoughts about him ─ the hot mystery man.

Everything about him set Mimi's heart racing. His deep brown eyes, which she would just love to get lost in. Inky black hair, which made her want to bury her fingers in it. His height and how he towered over everyone. His strong jaw line and angular face. The cherry on a very delicious man-cake was how muscular he was. She didn't know his name or anything about him, but that didn't matter. Mimi was head over heels from the moment she had set eyes on him.

She was brought back to reality by an unfamiliar, yet familiar, language.

"Is this seat taken? Do you mind if I sit here?" a man's voice asked in English.

Looking up, she was dumbstruck at the sight of the man asking the question. "Umm... err, no." Her cheeks burned with embarrassment at her inability to form a coherent sentence. Mimi couldn't believe her luck; it was him, the man she had just been ogling in her mind. I can't believe he's talking to me after I made such an idiot out of myself; she thought and tried desperately to act a little cooler.

"No, no the seat isn't taken, sit, I mean you can sit," she replied in Japanese, so fast that the words rolled together into one. The crimson heat of embarrassment spread, colouring the rest of her body, and Mimi inwardly cursed herself for acting like such a buffoon.

��t go back to��~��


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love ya. 

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