Chapter 59

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"Ritsu certainly has a way with words. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but what happened with you and Akane?"

A sad expression that took hold of Hatori's face when Mimi mentioned Akane. Even after all the time that had passed it still stung thinking about what happened.

Hatori took a deep breath in and then exhaled. "Who told you about Akane?"

"Shigure said I reminded him of her and that you had got your heart broken but would not say anything more than that."

"Of course he did. Well he did have a front row seat to that one." Hatori rested his head on the edge of the pool and looked up as he recalled the events from the past.

"I met Akane in my first year of University, in fact Gure introduced us. She was in one of his classes and he thought she would be a good influence on me and get me to lighten up. From the moment I met her I knew she was special and we hit it off.

"There were a group of us myself, Gure, my other cousin Takashi and Shigure's best friend Yoshi, and Motoko, all of us went to Tokyo University. Gure, Takashi and I are the same age and we are more like brothers than cousins. Yoshi and Gure met the first day we attended university and they've been friends ever since."

Hatori smiled recalling the past. "Akane put up with everything my mother threw at her for two years. In our third year of university, I asked Akane to marry me. I think she would've accepted but she knew my mother hated her. When she asked if I had got my parents approval and I said no, Akane insisted I get it before she was going to give me an answer."

Hatori sighed again, it had been so long since he had openly talked about this. "I asked my father and he gave his blessing, my mother on the other hand didn't. In fact she was so determined to stop things she went to Tokyo, tracked Akane down and told Akane she would never be good enough for me and she should leave me.

"This killed Akane inside and if I'd had any clue that my mother was planning this I would've stopped her. Akane spent a day agonising over this then she told me what had happened, and told me to leave her alone, and it was over because she could'nt take things any longer. Gure was there when Akane broke up with me and it took me a long time to get over her." Hatori looked at Mimi. "Now you know what you're letting yourself in for, you still sure you want to be with me?"

She gently caressed his face as she said, "Don't be silly I'm not running away. I got cut out of my family for moving to Japan. If I can live through that, I'm sure I can take whatever your mother has in store for me. Besides my mother has despised me for my entire life and took every opportunity she could to show me. So I do have experience with crazy mothers. I love you Hatori and I'm not going to let your mother chase me off.''

"That is good to know; now it would probably be a good idea to get out of the hot water before the heat goes to our heads.''

Mimi grinned and said as she straddled Hatori, "I think the heat has already gotten to me." Mimi lent in and kissed Hatori sticking her tongue in his mouth, intertwining hers with his as she kissed him.

Hatori wrapped his arms around Mimi then stood up and hoisted both of them out of the hot spring. He carried her into the hotel room as if Mimi weighed no more than a feather.

Mimi didn't stop kissing him. Hatori smiled as he walked into the room and flopped Mimi and himself onto the bed. He shook his head and chuckled as he said, "Well, I guess we'll have to call housekeeping to change these."

Mimi grinned like a Cheshire cat and rolled on top of Hatori straddling him again. "Not before we get them really dirty." She grabbed his wrists and pinned them up above his head and said, "Now this is a position I like you in. All I need are some handcuffs," then kissed him and slid herself down his long stiff shaft until she sheathed him.

Mimi started to move up and down slowly at first letting him savour the feeling of having every inch of him fill her. She tilted her head back and let out a loud moan before increasing her rhythm. And as the pleasure started to grow stronger Hatori sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist and they began to really move.

She arched her back, and let out another slow moan of pleasure as the ecstasy built up. Wrapped her arms around Hatori's neck he felt her sex tighten around his rock hard cock as her pleasure it kept building and building until she finally found her release. Mimi screamed his name, clawing at his back spurring Hatori on. He thrust himself deeper and harder into Mimi's creamy letting out a guttural groan as he climaxed. Hatori lay back on the bed breathless with her on his chest, totally spent, wrapped in a warm pleasurable post coital glow.

Hatori said, as he stroked her hair, "Mimi, I love you so much. I can't begin to put it into words."

Mimi turned her head and kissed his chest, lazily doodling on him with her fingers. "I love you too, Hatori." Then she looked up at him and asked, "When are we going to Mito?"

Hatori thought for a moment, he didn't want to throw Mimi in at the deep end without giving her some help first. At the same time Hatori knew there was nothing he could really do to help Mimi other than be there for her and stand by her side. ''It's up to you; we can go next week if you want. There is a festival and I know Gure, his fiancé, Motoko, her husband and their kids will be there if we go next week. Or we could wait and go sometime in October or November, when it won't be so crowded."

Mimi instantly answered, "I'd rather get it over with now and if your mother really takes a disliking to me at least I can hang out with Gure and Motoko."

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