Chapter 45

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Hatori slid his hands over her shoulder and she could feel the tension in them as the spectre of that argument still hung in the air between them. She knew he was preparing for another argument and it sent a pang of guilt that her hang-up was threatening to ruin his gift.

She turned her head and kissed his hand. "Thank you baby, I love them. They're perfect."

All the tension in his body vanished and he cupped her face and kissed her."Happy anniversary, Mimi." His strong fingers slid down the nape of her neck and brushed her hair aside. Then he put the necklace on Mimi and let her put the earrings on before leading her to the mirror. "You see they suit you perfectly so you have to keep them," he whispered as he kissed one of her sweet spots behind her ear causing Mimi to shiver with desire.

Her breath hitched and her legs turned to jelly as her body tightened in sweet anticipation. "I love them as well as you."

Hatori walked back over to the sofa sat down and waited for her to join him. She couldn't stop smiling as she sat back down next to him.

Hatori put his arm around her drawing her into his chest and said, "As it's been a year I figured it was about time you meet one of my more normal family members. I won't subject you to meeting my parents yet. I wouldn't want to scare you off."

She immediately perked up, all of her lustful thought shoved into the background as she wondered who it was that she would be meeting. She wondered if it would be his sister. She knew Motoko lived in Hiroo but whenever she suggested that they invite her over Hatori would say she was way too busy.

Hatori smiled yet Mimi could see a hint of uneasiness in his eyes, he hid it well but she knew him and could see it. Before she could press him as to what was bothering him he said, "My cousin Shigure is coming down from Hokkaido for a week. He's a writer and his publisher and agent are here, so he usually comes down every three to six months to hand in his manuscripts. But his girlfriend... no wait she's his fiancée, is very demanding, and that is putting it nicely, so he hasn't come down here in a little over a year. He usually stays here, if that's okay with you."

"Of course it's fine with me. I would love to meet any of your family you know that, Hatori. Even your parents."

"I will remember you said that when you eventually meet them," Hatori sniggered.

"So when is your cousin coming then?" Mimi asked excitedly. She couldn't wait to finally meet one of his family members.

"He was supposed to fly in tonight, but it looks like he's not coming. I would expect him to get here sometime tomorrow."

Her face dropped a little as annoyance prickled her, over the fact he had waited till the last minute to tell her. "I guess I will be waiting around for him to show up so I can let him in," Mimi said, more to herself than Hatori as she mentally started rearranging her day.

''No need, he has a key. What did you have planned for tomorrow then? "Hatori asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing special just the usual."

"Watching anime all day then," he said in a playful tone.

"You know very well I don't just sit around and watch anime all day! You make it sound like I'm some kind of Otaku," she elbowed him in the side and replied in mock indignation.

Hatori laughed. "Baby, I'm just calling it as I see it. The truth hurts sometimes."

Mimi got up and threw a cushion at him. "Goodnight then," and walked off towards the bedroom.

"Oh come on, babe, don't be like that. I'm just teasing, come back, I promise I'll be nice," Hatori said trying not to laugh.

Mimi stopped turned around stuck her tongue out then said, "Too late for empty promises."

"I guess I will just have to change tactics then." He got up and chased her into the hallway.

Hatori caught her halfway down the hallway and she let out a loud giggle. She looked up at him with dark desire in her eyes. "Now that you've caught me what are you going to do?"

Hatori bent down to her ear and said, "Hmmm I think we should tick this sideboard off of our list," and backed her up against it.

Shortly after Mimi moved in and went on the pill they worked their way through making love in every room in the apartment and quickly moved onto surfaces. Hatori removed her red silk anglomania antoinette dress in one swift move and flung it behind him. The sensation of the soft silk sliding off her skin made her let out a laugh that filled the hallway with its sweet richness. She found it funny at how adept he was at removing her clothes.

Hatori took in a sharp breath when he saw what was underneath the dress. She was wearing a red von follies eyelash lace bustier with garter belt and black stockings.

Standing up on her tip toes she seductively purred into his ear, "Do you like what you see?" Backing up against the sideboard she picked up his hand and slipped his long index finger in her mouth. She twirled her tongue around his finger before wrapping her lips around it and sucking hard. With a grin she slowly removed his finger from her mouth, and reached out grabbing his shirt and ripping it open. The force of it sent a shower of buttons flying as they were ripped free from their stitching.

She then pulled him closer to her and crouched down as she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers pulling them and his boxer briefs down in one sharp pull. Hatori was already aroused and Mimi looked up at him as she put his member in her mouth and started to suck hard, teasing him with her tongue.

He ran his hands through her glossy blond locks and gently grabbed a hand full as he let out a deep guttural moan as she began to suck harder. Mimi took as much of him in her mouth as she could and began to work a quick rhythm of sucking and teasing with her tongue. The ecstasy began to build in Hatori, like a river ready to burst its banks, until it over flowed and he released his flood gates.

He then pulled Mimi up and said looking deeply into her eyes, "That's always a welcome treat. Now back to the task at hand." He started kissing her hard opening her mouth and entwining their tongue together.

He lifted her up onto the sideboard and the cool wood nipped at her bare skin. Hatori knelt down placing one of her legs on his shoulder and reached up unhooking her stockings and slowly rolled them down her legs. She tilted her head back as his strong fingers slid down her leg, the sin to skin contact sent ripples of bliss straight to her core. Her inner muscles clenched in sweet anticipation and she let out a loud hum.

After removing her stocking he took off her red lacy panties and tossed them over his shoulder. Standing up he pulled her to him and started kissing her deeply. He slid two fingers inside and let out a groan as her warm wet centre welcomed his fingers.

He slid his fingers in and out of her and started to teas her overly aroused clit with the pad of his thumb. She let out a cry of pleasure into his mouth as the luscious sensory-overload took over.

Hatori removed his fingers and put them in his mouth sucking the slickness of her orgasm off. Then he took her mouth with his. "You taste so sweet." Kissing her and dipping his tongue into hers. "Taste how sweet you are."

She moaned as their tongues entwined mingling each of their salty tastes together. "I want to feel you inside of me now," she breathed into his mouth pulling him closer.

He gladly complied and slid into her. They worked up a slow sensual rhythm that gradually built up to an ecstasy filled crescendo where they both found their release.

Tokyo Seduction (Book 1 Of The Gaijin Series)Where stories live. Discover now