Chapter 85

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"Why did you get me up before daybreak?" Mimi whined, her muscles barely awake, as she trudge up the snow covered path on the western side of Shigure's property carrying three heavy blankets.

It had already been two weeks since she'd arrived and she scarcely noticed. The two nights that they'd initially shared a bed together had been spent laughing, joking and connecting with one another. When the rest of the beds she's ordered arrived the thought of sleeping on her own twisted painfully in her heart.

"I told you it's a surprise. Why don't you believe me? I promise you it will be worth it," Shigure answered excited and full of energy.

From the beginning they had always been close, and after Shigure comforted Mimi in the hotel in Shibuya the two of them had grown even closer. Deep in her heart she felt the trust between them growing stronger and evolving in a way she never thought possible with anyone and knew their relationship was shifting. Each night they shared the same bed the bond between them grew like a small seed in the ground fighting its way up into the sunlight. But she couldn't bring herself to admit or accept this truth. Instead Mimi convinced herself what she felt and growing connection was nothing more than her desire to help a dear friend get back to his old self.

"A few more hours of sleep would be worth it. You've kept me up most of the nights over the past two weeks," Mimi grumbled desperate to crawl back into bed and fall back asleep in Shigure's comforting embrace.

He stopped walking and Mimi bumped into him because she wasn't paying attention. He chuckled, "idiot," then stepped aside revealing the breathtaking view that was in front of them. She gasped in awe as she walked onto the outcropping of rocks and looked out across the vast expanse of woodland.

"You should see this place in the spring when the trees are green and the flowers are in bloom. This is the perfect spot to watch the sun rise," he said, spreading out the blankets he'd been carrying.

When Mimi sat down next to him she spread out the blankets she was carrying over them. She rested her head on his shoulder and said, "This is amazing."

He wrapped his arm around Mimi holding her close and said, "You haven't seen the best part yet."

Her heart swelled with warmth and some other emotions she wasn't ready to confront yet. Being held in his arms felt like home and it was such an odd felling for her. She'd never felt as if she ever truly had a place she called home that felt like his arms felt in that moment. Shoving those feeling down she sighed and snuggled into Shigure for warmth.

They sat on the rocky outcropping and watched the sky gradually change from shades of black and midnight blues into shades of deep pinks, burnt oranges, and warm reds. The sun slowly rose in the sky illuminating their world with vibrant colours, casting a warm light across the land. They spent most of the morning looking across the trees and over the lake in each other's arms quietly enjoying the others presents. With ever second that ticked by their connection evolved into something deeper without either of them even realising it.


Four days had leisurely past and the weather had warmed up considerably. The water on the lake hadn't frozen that year because it had been a mild winter. Shigure had been standing in front of the kitchen sink looking out of the huge window with the perfect view of the lake that morning. When Mimi joined him handing him a mug of hot coffee he suggested having a picnic in the row boat.

Mimi looked up at the clear blue sky as she let out a breath. She watched as the smoky wisps of her breath floated up as she lay across the long bench, with her head resting on Shigure's lap. It was quite on the lake apart from the songs a few birds were singing.

"I can see why you live up here, Gure. I find myself falling in love with everything." Mimi left that sentence hanging in the air between them as she looked into his deep chocolate eyes.

He brushed a stray lock of hair off of her face and replied, "It is easy to fall in love up here." The look he gave her was tender and conveyed much more than his words.

She reached her hand up to his cheek and rested it there as she stroked it with her thumb. "Yeah it is easy to fall in love . . . up here. I could see myself happily spending the rest of my life up here." She let her hand drop and as Shigure caught it in his she intertwined their fingers.

A deep yearning twisted its way around her heart. Mimi couldn't put her finger on it but she knew whatever she was feeling had been growing stronger over the past week. And it was counting to grow with an unfathomable fierceness. It felt as if she was a moth being drawn to a flame and Mimi knew if she wasn't careful she was going to get incinerated.          

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