Chapter 34

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      Hearing those words filled him with such love for her in that moment he knew she had his heart. He picked her up, sat her down on the bed and kneeled in between her legs. Reaching over, he grabbed a tissue from the bedside cabinet and dried her eyes. "I care so much for you, Amelia, don't ever doubt that. I know it's still early days in our relationship but I want you to trust me. And I will spend every day from now on proving that you can trust me with everything." She reached out and caressed his cheek and nodded before she kissed him.

Hatori got up and grabbed his phone and handed it to her. "Why don't you call your friends and find out where they are? Then we can get something to eat on the way to meet them."

He walked into his walk in closet and grabbed a pair of gray boxer briefs and his favourite pair of tan Hugo Boss cotton chinos and slipped them on. Then he walked over the drawer that housed all of his belts and picked out a brown leather one that matched his chinos. On his way out, he opened another draw and took out navy blue Ralph Lauren polo shirt, put it on and slightly turned up the collar.

When he walked into the living room where she had gone, he watched as she shot daggers at his phone. She mumbled, "She can be such a child sometimes."

Chuckling, he took the phone out of her hands because he didn't want her smashing it and said, "I take it Hanabushi is still mad at you."

Mimi raked him up and down with her eyes as she nodded in response. "There's nothing I can do when she gets worked up. She'll defrost eventually. Shall we go? I am starving." She bit her bottom lip as she watched him putting his dark blue ankle high canvas sneakers on at the door. Her lips curled up in a wicked smile as he watched her ogling him.

They ate brunch at a nice restaurant around the corner from Hatori's apartment. After they finished, Hatori handed her a very sleek, top of the line phone. It was an extra one that he kept laying around. "Look, I'm sorry for smashing yours. My behaviour was unforgivable."

"It's okay, I feel like smashing it every time he calls. He must have said some really horrible things and honestly I don't blame you." She leaned back in her chair and giggled as she punched in a number. "Good thing Erika's number is so easy to remember." When she hung up, she beamed and said, "It turns out they aren't far from here so we could walk there."

He stood up and held out his hand. When she took it he pulled her up into his arms and kissed her. "Lead the way."

Hatori stopped walking when they saw Erika and Ritsu. "I hope you have a good time tonight. I also want you to watch out for yourself." He still didn't like the fact Jinpachi was going to be with them, but he knew he couldn't tell Mimi that. Instead he said, "Please give me your phone for a second." She handed it to him and he quickly deleted his old contact list and then programmed his numbers in, so they were the only numbers in there. "I've put in my home, my cell, and my office. Promise me that if you get into any trouble or anything that you will call me. I don't care how late it is."

"I promise. Hatori, don't worry about me, I am going to be in a big group. Anyway, Ritsu and Erika always look out for me when we go out."

He kissed Mimi, then waved at the girls, said goodbye and walked off.


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Xoxo J

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