Chapter 60

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 As they drove down the long driveway Mimi rested her elbow on the soft leather of the door frame, her teeth biting down on her thumb as her nerves and stomach started to twist in knots. She could hear Hatori talking in the background as she looked at the small two story traditional Japanese houses dotted around the grounds of the Kanzaki estate but she wasn't paying any attention to what he said. The drive to Mito didn't take as long as she would've liked and as they drove further into the massive grounds she wished she had said October instead of next week.

She had never known a week to fly by as fast as this one did. Hatori had arranged for them to stay for three days; it was Friday morning and Sunday evening never looked so far away to Mimi as it did at that very moment.

Hatori placed he hand on her leg and gave it a little squeeze which brought her attention back to him. "This estate is huge and the majority of the Kanzaki family's close relatives live here apart from me, Motoko, Gure and Takashi that is. When I was younger there were a lot more relatives living here but these days most of us that were kids back then and living on the estate have chosen to move away, and a lot of the great uncles and aunts have passed away.

"Now it's just my parents, Gure's parents, our grandparents on my father's side, a few second cousins and my younger brother that live here. A lot of these houses are empty now," Hatori explained. He slowed the car down and pointed at two of the houses that were close to each other. "That one on the left is Gure's and the one on the right is mine. Motoko and Takashi's houses are off in that direction." He pointed further down the driveway.

When they drove up to the main house Mimi's mouth opened, it was ginormous and newer then the rest of the other homes. It had two stories high and even though the house was built in the style of a traditional Japanese house it was also very modern, and reminded her of an Engawa house she once saw in one of the architectural magazines Hatori had. Only this house was five times bigger than the one in the magazine and astonishingly beautiful.

"The main house had to be rebuilt in 2005 when it was destroyed by an earthquake," Hatori said as they got out of the car.

They walked into the main house and were greeted by Shigure, who looked stylish yet very relaxed in his black crewneck cotton top that showed off just how muscular he was and tan loose fit officer shorts that hung perfectly on his hips. He said with a beaming smile, "Man, it took you guys long enough to get here. I thought you were coming two days ago. Your mother has been driving everyone crazy trying to make everything perfect for the return of the prodigal son." He wrapped his arms around Mimi's tiny frame and lifted her up in a hug taking her by surprise. Then whispered in her ear, "I'm glad you came and don't worry I'll watch your back as well."

Hatori rolled his eyes. "Wonderful; so my mom's is in top form then," he said dripping with sarcasm.

Shigure set Mimi down and a Cheshire-cat-like grin cut across his face and she could tell he had something juicy he wanted to dangle in front of Hatori's face. "You have no idea man. By the way there's a little surprise in store for you in regards to your accommodation." He bit his bottom lip trying to hold in his laughter.

Hatori scowled at Shigure. "Come on, just spit it out already," he ground out and Mimi could tell he was pissed.

"You're no fun Ha, but I guess your reaction will be the same if I tell you instead of your mother. Firstly you guys are going to be staying in the main house." Shigure paused for dramatic effect, "Secondly you two are in separate rooms. I guess your mother doesn't like the thought of her precious son living in sin." Hatori glowered and the muscles in his jaw clenched.

"There it is, just the reaction I was hoping to get out of you Ha." Shigure wacked him on the back and said, "lighten up Ha-chan or it's gonna be a painfully long weekend for you." Shigure turned to Mimi and said, "Always a pleasure seeing you. When you put your things in your room and settle in come and find me. I'll show you around. I have a feeling Ha's going to be busy dealing with his mother for a while." Shigure turned and then stopped. "I almost forgot your parents are waiting for you in the dining room," with that said he strolled off.

Hatori muttered under his breath, "living in sin. I could fix that."

Mimi grabbed his hand, giving it a squeez trying to calm him down. "Don't worry about it sweetheart. Honestly, I don't mind and if it makes your mother happy and makes things that bit easier, then I'm fine with it."

Hatori's expression lightened and he gave Mimi a warm smile as he looked at her. "Angle, I really do love you. I'm sure my mother has a lot more in store for you other than this so you should prepare yourself for it. And Mimi if it gets too much tell me and we'll just leave." He kissed her and led her to the dining room.

Chojiro and Kyoko were drinking tea and talking about the plans they had for the evening when they walked into the dining room. As soon as Kyoko saw Hatori she jumped up out of her chair and hurried over to him and gave him a hug. Kyoko was a very attractive woman. She was a little taller than Mimi and had short black shoulder length hair and big chocolate brown eyes. She was wearing a black pleated twill dress and Mimi's eyes were instantly drawn her lips like a moth to a flame. Kyoko wore harlot red lipstick, making her lips look fuller.    

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