Chapter 68

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As they walked to the dining room they passed a door that was ajar and heard Kyoko speaking. "Who the hell does that damn gaijin think she is?"

"After the foolishness with Shigure and Kaname, this family can't handle any more shame. Just think what people will say if we have someone like that girl in the family," snorted an older woman. "An American to top it off, I could've put up with the Italian, at least she was classy, but this one is just trash."

Horror stricken Mimi stood rooted to the ground. She could feel the waves of anger radiating off of Shigure behind her and knew no good would come from listing but she couldn't bring herself to move.

"Now hold on. Mimi maybe a lot of things but I don't appreciate you calling her trash," Jinpachi said with a sharp edge to his voice.

"It's been years since Hatori's come home and he goes and ruins it by bringing that gaijin with him," Kyoko said.

"What I don't understand is what on Earth is my foolish grandson thinking getting involved with yet another gaijin. Kyoko you have to put your foot down. None of my grandchildren have had much respect for this family with the way they carry on. I put that down in part to the way you kids have raised them. The whole lot of you have been much too lenient on them. Thankfully Hatori has always fallen inline when push comes to shove," the older woman said her voice was dripping with disgust.

"That trashy slut is not good enough for my son," Kyoko said sounding smug.

Mimi's hands trembled as she put them to her mouth, hearing those words cut through her like a knife and brought back memories of the last things her mother ever said to her.

Shigure placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her away. Mimi shook her head. Biting her lip hard in order to fight back the tears that were burning in her eyes Mimi turned and looked at Shigure. His jaw was tightly clenched as he shook in head and continued to listen to what was said.

"Don't refer to her that way," Jinpachi hissed. He stepped in to view and Mimi could see the angry set in his jaw as he clenched it.

After what both of them had gone through in their childhoods she knew referring to her as trash was one of the things that would've sent Jinpachi into a rage. She could tell by the strained look on his face he was having a hell of a time controlling his temper.

Jinpachi's face smoothed and his whole demeanour seemed to calm yet Mimi knew this was an act. "Sorry Baba-san, but that's a bit harsh you know how Genma feels about her. Besides I don't know why you're getting all worked up for. It's a fling not a relationship."

" Hatori insisted on calling it, a relationship. But it won't last long if I have anything to do about it," Kyoko answered.

"Baba-san, I'm curious as to why you think she's good enough for me and my family but not yours?" Jinpachi tone was saccharin.

"Oh Jinpachi you know I consider you family. Your mother, may she rest in peace, was closer than a sister to me. I also know Hanabushi-san loves the girl, he won't shut up when comes to praising her, but the fact remains, he's a fool. And Jin dear everyone knows you're an alley cat when it comes to women. It's not likely you'd ever let anyone get their claws into you let alone that American gold-digger," Kyoko replied.

"Charming, Baba-san," Jinpachi said.

"Jinpachi, you can stop sulking and help me come up with ways to end things between those two," Kyoko snapped.

Jinpachi turned his head and looked out the door. He eyes locking onto Mimi's and a wicked grin cut its way across his face. "Oh I'm sure I can think of something. It would be my pleasure to take her off your hands."

"Jinpachi dear, I knew I could count on you," Kyoko said.

Shigure went to open the door; Mimi turned and put her hands on his chest to stop him. She pushed him away from the door and said in a hushed voice, "Don't. It really is not worth it. Please ,Gure, don't say anything." Mimi was heartbroken and had to fight the tears back with every fibre in her body as she pushed Shigure further down the hallway.

"Why the hell shouldn't I say anything? It's bad enough you have to put up with Kyoko's bile, but to have to listen to my grandmother and her venomous hate filled crap as well and Jinpachi. No one should have to put up with that," Shigure said frustrated and angry.

"I, don't want you to say anything, that's why." She took a shuddering a breath trying to calm herself and appear stronger than she was. "I knew coming here would not be easy, and I certainly had my eyes opened this morning. I had hoped I would be able to get Kyoko to like me by the time I left. Now, I know that is not going to happen. But that does not mean I'm going to stop trying," Mimi said. She felt the tears clawing at the back of her eyes and bit her lip, to focus her mind and stop herself from crying. She knew if she started to cry Shigure would give those three a piece of his mind and that wouldn't help the situation.

"You're a fool. I hope you know that," Shigure said and slammed his hand against the wall.

"Yeah you are probably right. I just don't want to cause any more trouble," Mimi replied with a weak smile trying to hide just how dejected she was feeling.

All Mimi wanted to do was turn tail and run back to her room, curl up in a ball and cry her eyes out. Hearing what Kyoko and Yumiko said stirred up painful memories of her own mother's cruelty. She could still hear her mother telling her she wasn't wanted and unnecessary. However, she wasn't about to let anyone see her break down.

"Fine, let's just go. We can get something to eat on the way," Shigure said and walked towards the front door passing Motoko on the way out.

"Where are you two off to; I thought we were going to have dinner together?" Motoko said as they walked out the front door.

"Your mother and our grandmother just made me lose my appetite. We are going to get something on the way or whatever. I just have to leave before I do something rash," Shigure said then got into the back of one of the cars that was parked in front of the main house.

Motoko watched Shigure then looked at Mimi and asked, "What happened to get Gure so worked up? You know he is one of the most laid back people I know and it takes a lot to get him angry. I haven't seen him like this in years."

Mimi had been thinking about what Jinpachi had said. She was worried about what he was planning on doing. Motoko gave Mimi's should a little shake snapping her back to reality. She blinked a couple of times then answered Motoko, "It was nothing. We just overheard something we shouldn't have. Don't worry about it and don't say anything." Mimi gave Motoko a weak smile then walked over to the car and got in.

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