Chapter 62

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"I bet that cow's really enjoying this, I just can't win," Mimi muttered, as she looked out over the grounds.

She closed her eyes as a cool breeze hit her burning skin and tried to stifle the tears that were threatening to spill over. Her forehead scrunched together as the familiar sent of grapefruit, dry cedar and labdanum hit her nose stirring up memories of the past that she preferred to keep locked away.

Lifting her head the word slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it, "Jin?" as she looked at the doorway. When there was no one there she shook her head, perfect, on top of everything else I'm going insane.

"Man I can't believe she stuck you in here. My aunt is really going all out." Shigure said and laughed.

Mimi poked her head out the window. Seeing him instantly put her in a better mood. Shigure hoisted himself up and came in the room through the window. When he saw the bed he started to laugh harder and said, "This was Motoko's bed when she was nine. How far do your legs stick over the end?"

Mimi lay down to see how small the bed was and it ended mid calf on her.

"What did you do to piss her off in such a short time? She didn't even put Isabella in this room when Kyoko suspected her of being a gold digger?"

"I didn't do anything other than give Ha's dad some mochi. Kyoko tried to take it off of him and Chojiro told her there was no way she was going to do that; then walked off eating the mochi."

"Aha, leave it to my uncle to land you straight in my aunt's bad books and then leave you to take the blame." Shigure had another good laugh then said, "No use staying in here it's too damn hot. Come on. I want to introduce you to my parents and if I can find her I'll introduce you to my fiancée as well." Shigure jumped out of the window then put his arms up to help Mimi out.

"Are you serious? I'm wearing a dress," Mimi said looking down at Shigure.

"A very cute one I might add. Now come on and jump out of the window. I promise I won't look . . . much," he said grinning at her.

"Fine, just give me a second." She grabbed another huge tin out of her suitcase and a big bottle of sake. Then handed Shigure the gifts and waited for him to set them down and jumped into his arms.

"See that wasn't so hard was it? You are really going to have to lighten up if you're going to survive this visit. Nice pink panties by the way." Shigure winked at her as he set Mimi down and picked up the gifts.

"They're blue you idiot. The tin is yours go ahead open it," Mimi said giggling at him.

He opened the tin as he headed to his parent's house. When he saw there was mochi inside he smiled and shoved one in his mouth. "My God this is so good. I can see why Chojiro wouldn't hand these over."

As Shigure shoved another in his mouth Motoko walked up and said, "You're such a pig, Gure. " She turned to Mimi and smiled. "I see mother stuck you in the dumping room, she's on top form. I watched you and piggy climbing out of the window." Motoko looked at Shigure and asked, "When are you going to grow up?"

Mimi had to stop her jaw from dropping when she saw how stunning Motoko looked. Motoko was wearing a blue rockabilly pin up dress that had a red belt with white polka dots and cherry red pumps and she looked like she had come straight out of a 1950's pin up calendar. There wasn't an ounce of post-pregnancy fat on her and it left Mimi wondering how the hell Motoko pulled that off.

"Don't be so mean, Motoko," Shigure replied with a hurt look. "And you know very well I never intend to grow up." He looked at Mimi then held the bottle of sake up and said, "How about we go back to mine instead and get drunk."

"I'm up for that," Motoko replied.

"It's not even noon! Besides that's not for you, you alky, it's for your parents," Mimi said and tired to take the bottle off of him.

Shigure raised the bottle higher so Mimi could'nt reach it. "I am sure they will understand that our needs were greater. Come on, don't you want to take the edge off? It'll make things easier."

"I could use something to take the edge off," Motoko replied. "My mother is driving me crazy, and she loves me. God only knows what she has in store for you, Mimi"

"Remember that pink bed you had when you were nine, Motoko? Kyoko put it in Mimi's room for her to sleep on." Shigure handed Motoko some mochi. "Here try one of these they are so good."

"Oh this is really good," Motoko said after she took a bite. "So Gure where is Kaname?"

"Don't have a clue." He shrugged. "She stormed off somewhere this morning after your mother said something to piss her off. I'm staying the hell out of it, much safer that way," Shigure said calmly.

"You sure know how to pick 'em, Gure," Motoko replied shaking her head.

"What can I say? I like high maintenance women," he gave Mimi a wink as he said this.

"There's high maintenance, then there's my mother and then at the apex is Kaname. She is scary crazy when she doesn't get her way. Tell me how many times have the two of you broken up this year?'' Motoko said putting her arm around Mimi's shoulder.

Shigure thought about it for a moment. "Five times, but the year is still young. What can I say? I love her."

Mimi caught a flash of sadness in his eyes as she watched him answer and got the feeling that somehow he was putting up a good front, hiding what was really going on behind the scenes. She knew all too well every couple had their own problems and she wasn't going to pry.

"As much fun as this is, I should go. Come and find me if you decide to drink that sake," Motoko said, then walked off.

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