chapter 37

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 His smile grew even bigger and he stepped into her, placing one of his legs in between hers, and grabbed her by the face. "I've been very accommodating with you, Mimi. Yet you still feel the need to push me over the edge."

Jin stared into her eyes and inhaled her sweet scent. It astounded him that she still took his breath away after all she had done. He slowly ran his thumb down her lips, pausing as it touched her bottom lip and pulled it away from her mouth. Nine Inch Nails' Closer started to play and as Trent Reznor started to sing, "You let me violate you," Jin slowly inserted his thumb inside of Mimi's mouth. Slowly he swirled it around her tongue then pulled it out.

He placed his hand on her breast and felt her heart pounding. Her eyes shot open and tears started to surge forth as she tried to fight him off. But the effects of the drugs made her attempts at pushing him away the same as a toddler trying to push away an adult. He caught her after her attempts to kick him made her lose her balance and fall.

Jin's grin grew bigger and a wicked glint took hold of his eyes as he held her in his arms. He wanted to make her feel the same pain he felt, and torment her the same way she tormented him. He pinned Mimi against the wall with his body weight and bent down to her ear. "Mmmm. I think the question to this little game is: do I like submissive Mimi or fighting Mimi? I've been asking myself that question all night. And I think the answer is the latter. So please go on, continue to struggle."

Letting out a low chuckle, he thought he'd leave that bastard of a boyfriend a little message. Imagining the look on Hatori's face when that fuck saw his precious girlfriend had been playing around spurred him on. He lowered his lips to her chest and sucked hard, savouring her exquisite taste. Mimi was his drug of choice and he wasn't going to let her go.

All he had to do was break them up and she would come running back, she always came back to him. He continued to suck and lick Mimi, leaving a trail of angry red love bites up her neck. "Why do you have to act like such a stuck up bitch, when you and I are both the same?" He gripped her shoulders tighter and started to push Mimi against the wall. His anger got the better of him. He shook her as he said through gritted teeth, "You went through the same thing I did and yet you think you're so much better than me."

Her head lulled back against the wall and her breathing grew heavy. "You're a sick fuck, Jinpachi." Mimi started to giggle as her head slumped forward and her eyelids drooped like they had weights attached to them. A goofy grin took over her face as the sweet effects of the drugs engulfed her in euphoria.

He needed her to stay awake and shook her hard trying to rouse her. She mumbled something incoherent as her head lulled to the side. The thought of hitting her again repulsed him but he knew he had no other option. Swallowing back his disgust, Jin tilted her head back against the wall and slapped her hard across the face.

Her eyes shot open. She looked around before her gaze settled on him. "Let me go, you bastard, or I'll scream."

"Please do scream. But no one is going to hear you," Jin replied gesturing at the deserted hallway.

Jin was more than willing to put her through hell if it meant breaking her new relationship up. His lips turned up as a deliciously diabolical idea popped into his head. He flipped Mimi around and pushed her face against the wall. He had no intention of raping her. She had to give herself to him of her own free will. In order for that to happen he knew he had to get rid of the one person standing in his way. Ruy figured if Hatori thought she had been unfaithful to him he would break up with her. And the easiest way to do that was to take her panties and make sure she went to Hatori's place.

As Jin lifted up her dress and hooked his thumb around the elastic of her lacy pink panties, Mimi tried and shake him off of her. She grabbed hold of the arm he had wrapped around her waist and dug her nails into him.

Jin yelled out in pain as she drew blood, "You bitch! I'm going to make you pay for that." He swung her around and grabbed a fist full of her hair. He yanked her head back hard.

She whimpered, tears running down her cheeks. "Whatever happened to you and me against the world?"

Those words were like a bullet through his heart. The pain ripped through him and brought him back to his senses. He knew he'd taken things too far and guilt boiled over inside of him. Life without her was driving him insane, turning him into a fucking monster. He pulled her into his arms and held her so tightly anyone would've thought she would fall apart if he let go.

The moment was abruptly ended when someone called out, "Hey, what is going on? Are you alright, Miss?"

Jin stiffened and his heart hardened back into stone remembering what he was trying accomplish. He had to get her back and to do that he had to break them up. She still had the hickies and that would be more than enough to get any man asking questions.

Jin let go of her. "She is fine. Nothing's going on," he called out and walked back towards the main dance area.

Jin waited for her by the stairs and watched her as she slowly made her way to the coatroom. When a huge, drunk, blond jackass grabbed hold of her, Jin ripped the guy off her and beat the shit out of him.

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