Chapter 58

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The small manmade pool was circular in shape. It was big enough to fit four adults comfortably and was deep enough for the water to come up to Mimi's shoulders. Mimi rested her head against the edge of the pool and before she closed her eyes.

She had so many things bouncing around in her head, Mimi wondered if in some off the wall guy way, Hatori had just proposed to her. And if he had, had he thought her response meant yes. She put that thought to one side thinking about it at the moment was too much and would drive her crazy.

Mimi then wondered what had happened in Hatori's last relationship, why did it go so wrong and had his mother been behind it. Mimi also remembered Shigure saying Hatori's mother ruined Hatori's relationship with Akane. She really wanted to know what happened and just what Mimi could expect. She had just began to wonder if she would be able to deal with whatever Hatori's mother had in store for her, when she felt the water ripple as Hatori slid in next to her.

Mimi opened her eyes, she shifted her head so she was looking at Hatori and smiled at him. She had so many questions to ask Hatori, but didn't want to bombard him with them all at once.

"What's on your mind Mimi? Go on, you can ask me anything," he asked as if reading her mind.

Mimi thought for a moment, the marriage question came racing forward and her heart starting thundering in her chest. Not wanting to go there, she shoved that thought back into the recesses of her mind and asked, "What happened with your last relationship?"


Hatori knew Mimi was going to ask about it but he had hoped she wouldn't. The simple fact was Hatori knew Mimi thought of herself as a plain and ordinary girl. Anyone that looked at her knew this was not true, Mimi was stunning, and made men's heads turn. But she never really noticed what was going on around her so she never noticed when men were checking her out. Never the less Hatori knew when he told Mimi his last girlfriend was an Italian model; it would make her feel self conscious and question why he was with her.

Hatori sighed. "My last girlfriends name was Isabella and I was with her for six months. I met Isabella shortly after the whole debacle with Hanabushi so that would've been about four years ago. I had given up trying to please my mother and had told her to back off." That didn't go down well when I told my mother that.

"Isabella was in Tokyo for work. She is a model and was introduced to me through a friend. I found out later that she had sought me out especially because I was rich. I had encountered this in the past and was usually on my guard when I met new people. This time I wanted to prove that I could find someone that wasn't just after my money. Actually to start with I was just looking to have fun and wasn't interested in anything serious."

Hatori shook his head, he still couldn't believe how stupid he'd been back then. "That was my first mistake. Before I knew it, four months had passed and I was hooked. I took Isabella to meet the family and of course my mother took an instant dislike to her. My mother did say Isabella was only after my money, but I wasn't having any of it. My mother had her followed to try and get some dirt on her. When I found out I went mad and told her to butt out. I was determined, to make things work."

Hatori chuckled. "If my mother had just kept her mouth shut and stayed out of it the relationship would've ended by then. I cared for Isabella but I certainly didn't love her. There were a lot of things I didn't like about her. Isabella put on a good act about being a kind and caring person but in reality she was mean, greedy and cruel.

"When she saw that she was losing me she told me she was pregnant. This lasted a week then she came clean and begged me to stay. I'd had enough and ended things. Isabella kept showing up begging for me to take her back. In the end my mother paid her off. Once she got her money I never saw her again. The whole thing disgusted me. I told my mother to stay out of my life and decided not to get into any more relationships until I was ready."

Mimi sat up and gave him a hug tears flooding her eyes. "That is a terrible thing to have to go through. How did you know that I didn't know about your money; and what would you have done if I had?"

Hatori whipped away her tears. He loved how big her heart was. ''I would've still got to know you Mimi. I fell for you the moment I saw you. I knew you had no idea who I was when I asked Hanabushi about you. She even told me, once you got to know me you would run."

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