Chapter 49

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After the incident at the nightclub it took a month before Mimi and Ritsu patched things up. It took another six months before Hatori trusted Ritsu enough to let them go out at night without him. It was in that six month period that Ritsu started to come over to their apartment when she wanted to spend time with Mimi trying to prove to Hatori that she could be trusted again. Mimi and Ritsu had been out in the garden patio drinking and catching up while Hatori sat in the bedroom watching a baseball game when Mimi had said that she missed the having an actual garden to Ritsu.

Mimi was overwhelmed by the feeling of love she felt for Hatori standing in front of the house. Her heart felt like it was going to burst. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her and kissed him. "I love it, by the way."

"Wait till you get inside." He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her up and walked inside. "It hasn't been decorated so it is a blank canvas at the moment. I thought we could get Motoko to decorate it."

They walked through the front door into a large hallway, and he set her down. There was a door to the left and one the right. Hatori walked over to the right door, opened it then said, "The other room is the mirror opposite to this room. I thought these could be our studies, one for me and one for you."

Mimi poked her head in the doorway, the room was quite big and it had a window that ran the length of the room and looked out on the front of the property.

Hatori took her hand and led her down the hallway. At the end of the hallway was a staircase and another hallway that lead off to the left. Instead they turned right and walked into the living room area. Mimi ran over to the wall of glass that ran along the length of the back wall.

Hatori walked up and then opened it for her, each glass panel opened up and folded out. When he had pushed back all the panels the living room opened straight out into the garden. She put her hands to her mouth falling in love with the feeling of the garden and the living room joining and becoming one.

From the living room there were three steps that led to another small hallway. The first door led to a room that was the dining room, the second door led to the kitchen, and at the far end of the kitchen was the utility room and pantry. The kitchen also had floor to ceiling sliding glass doors that looked into the garden. Back out in the small hallway at the end of it was a door that led to a five car garage.

Then they walked back towards the staircase and into the other hallway. There were three doors, the first door on the right lead to a large downstairs bathroom. The second door on the right led to a huge room and Hatori said, "I know you like to go to the gym so I thought this room could be a gym."

"I would love that," she said and they walked out of the room and down the hallway to the last door. When she walked through it she put her hands to her mouth and gasped. "On my God, I can't believe it, we have an indoor pool!"

"I know how much you love to swim. I thought I would just get one built with the house."

As they walked out of the hallway back to the living room there was a knock at the door. Hatori left Mimi in the living room and answered the door. "Long time no see."

Mimi heard a women say, "So, where is this girlfriend that you insist on hiding from the family. You know, Ha, if it wasn't for Gure confirming he's actually seen her I'd swear you were making the whole thing up."

"Nice to see you too, sis. Mimi is in the living room and you had better behave yourself." Hatori replied.

Mimi walked towards the group and smiled as she walked up to them.

"Mimi, this is my little sister Motoko Fukuyama," Hatori said.

Motoko poked him in the side. "I'm not so little anymore, Ha-chan."

At this Hatori scowled at his sister and bumped her back then ruffled her hair. Motoko shot daggers out of her eyes at Hatori and would've retaliated but looked at Mimi gave her a smile. "I'm so happy to finally meet you." Motoko extended her hand to Mimi. "I thought I was going to have to break into your apartment in order to meet you."

Mimi's eyes were immediately drawn to Motoko's heavily pregnant belly. Mimi's hand clutched at her chest as a stabbing pain ripped through her heart. She managed to stifle the whimper that was trying to claw its way out of her throat as guilt and shame washed over her. Feeling Hatori's hand give her shoulder a squeeze brought Mimi back from drowning in her past.

She recovered herself and extended her hand for Motoko to take. "I'm so happy to finally meet you as well. Ha," after spending the whole day with Shigure referring to his cousin as Ha Mimi naturally slipped into the habit as well. "didn't tell me you were expecting, how far along are you?"

Motoko rubbed her round bump and smiled warmly. "I'm thirty-five weeks along and I feel like I'm ready to pop."

Mimi was amazed by the fact she was still working. Also by how stunning Motoko was regardless of being heavily pregnant she had a toned slender figure. Before they had met Mimi knew Motoko was going be very beautiful because Hatori and Shigure were gorgeous. However, even pregnant Motoko would still have given super models a run for their money. It was painfully obvious Motoko was the type of person that made a room fall silent when she entered entranced by her beauty.

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