Chapter 81

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"Ha, it has been five days," Mimi retorted, over the phone, her voice tight with worry. "Gure said he would be back in two." She started to chew her nails. She'd already bitten down to the quick with nervous worry.

"I'm sure he's fine, besides didn't you say you were starting Japanese lessons today. You said you were doing it to help your project with Yoshi. I really don't think you should be skipping them," Hatori said. His voice was clam and even and Mimi could tell he was trying to be the voice of reason.

"Don't give me that, Hatori. First, you didn't see the look on his face. Second, I've been calling him nonstop over the last three days and he hasn't answered. Third, I can rearrange the lessons with my tutor, so it will be fine," Mimi's voice sounded harsher then she intended. Her impatience to get to Shigure got the better of her.

"Fine, I can see you've already made up your mind. Let me know how Gure is when you get there. Do you want me to get the jet ready?"

"No, there is a flight leaving in two hours. I've already got a ticket and I'm getting a taxi to the airport."

"So, you calling to ask my opinion was what?" his tone was sarcastic and playful.

Mimi smiled; Hatori always knew how to take the edge off when she was twisting herself in knots. "I wanted to know what you thought. I was going to go regardless. And I didn't want you to worry if you got home and I wasn't there."

"And if I had said you couldn't go," Hatori said teasing her.

"I know you wouldn't forbid me, idiot. Look I've got to go, the taxi is here. I really am worried about him," Mimi said relieved that he hadn't actually forbid her from going and was being laid back about her dropping everything to check on his cousin.

"Call me when you get there and let me know what's going on. I love you, Mimi."

"I will and I love you too, Ha."

Mimi looked out of the tented window of the Mercedes at the heavy blanket of snow that covered everything. Hokkaido was extremely cold and she was touched by Hatori's thoughtfulness when she was greeted by a chauffeur at the airport. Because she wanted to get up to Shigure as fast as she could she had to fly into New Chitose Airport instead of Okadama airport. That meant she had a long drive to get to Shigure's house in Otaru.

The sun was low in the sky when the car pulled into Shigure's driveway that afternoon. The chauffeur expertly navigated the car around the winding drive, which seemed to go on forever into the woods. When the driver finally pulled in front of the house Mimi was pleasantly surprised by its simple beauty and charm. She hopped out of the car and walked past the parked SUV and up to the front door admiring how well the two story house blended modern design with traditional Japanese architecture into the perfect match.

Mimi knocked on the door a few times, but when there was no answer she decided to see if the door was unlocked. To her surprise it was unlocked. She turned to the driver as he set her small suit case next to her and told him he could go.

She gasped in horror as she walked inside. Her hand shot out to the door frame bracing herself on it to stop her legs from buckling. The place looked as if a giant had picked the whole house up and shook it. Furniture was turned upside down, all the pictures were smashed and broken glass was scattered across the floor. Bookcases had been turned over; the books had been flung across the floor and the pages that had been ripped out of them and lay in a huge pile by the stairs.

She took a deep steadying breath then walked further inside the house. A trembling hand shot to her mouth as she entered the living room. Her shoe crunched down on broken glass from the huge flat screen TV. The wooden leg of a chair was sticking all the way through it and looked as if someone had skewered the TV like a shish kabab. Mimi tilted her head as she looked at it wondering what kind of force was needed in order to drive a chair leg through a flat screened TV. She slowly weaved her way in and out of the wreckage and made her way into the kitchen. The draws had been flung on the floor and the cutlery was strewn across it. A lot of it had been bent, and there were smashed up dishes and glasses everywhere.

Mimi looked around and then stilled when she realised just how dead quiet the house was. A chill ran down her back as she wondered where the hell Shigure was. Looking at the carnage, one crippling thought ran riot in her head, her heart rate shot through the roof. She whimpered as panic set in she ran from room to room down stairs frantically looking for him. She searched every single room downstairs hysterically upturning every mound of derby looking for any trace of him.

Heat coursed through her body when she didn't find him. Her heart shot into her throat as she ran upstairs almost tripping in her haste. The upstairs looked like a scene from a slasher movie after the knife welding psycho had trashed the house looking for victims. Shredded clothing was strewn everywhere, the beds had been turned on their sides and had huge gashes in the mattresses.

Mimi was nearly hyperventilating by the time she ran into the master bedroom. The mattress had beed slashed and tossed against the closet doors. Her eyes swept the room and settled on a huge mound of sheets and blankets.

"Gure, where are you," she whimpered.

Tears lapped in her eyes as she was about to give up the search. She started to turn when she caught the tiniest of movement from the pile of sheets. Her breath hitched as she suppressed a yelp and cautiously moved toward the sheets.

She placed her hand on top of the pile then bent down and whispered, "Shigure, is that you?" 

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